Wearing Memories designer Kiron Barui
2nd October 2014

Kiron Barui
Kiron has been a Champagne lover for many years and started to collect caps from the bottles she enjoyed with family and friends, writing on the back the date and place thus creating a unique and special memory. It took two years for Kiron and her jeweler to
perfect a beautiful ring that allows caps to be inter‐changed easily to match clothes or the occasion.
She launched her company Wearing Memories in 2012, which offers a unique range of items that have been designed to hold the cap from the top of the champagne cork.
She patented the unique locket design and registered Wearing Memories. The following foundation years she spent developing a complete Champagne jewellery line, including rings, necklaces, bracelets, bridal pieces, buttons and cuff links. Kiron held her first solo show at London Fashion Week in 2014 where her innovative concept of providing a unique and stylish way to wear cherished champagne memories has led to her stunning pieces being exported to Europe, USA and Australasia.
Glass of Bubbly
Executive editor of news content for the website Please enjoy the articles that we share - We hope you find our love for Champagne & Sparkling Wines both interesting and educational.