5 Tips for Planning a Posh Champagne Party

6th January 2022

How much in a serving of Champagne

Champagne parties are a fabulous alternative to traditional cocktail parties for birthdays, holiday celebrations, or smart Friday get-togethers. The focus on Champagne adds a little extra class and fizzle to your event. It also encourages people to dress up smart in their most sparkly evening attire.
For your Champagne event to be a hit, though, you need to plan it with precision. With the party title, your guests will likely have higher expectations. Here’s how to meet them.

1. Make Sure the Catering is Superb
First things first, make sure your sparkling wine or Champagne is high quality. Go for sec or demi-sec brands. A wine that is too sweet automatically pulls down the posh-ness levels.

Seeing as you are serving a classy drink, you need to make sure your food makes the grade, too. Champagne goes well with more simple party fare such as quality traditional potato, novelty beetroot and sweet potato crisps, or popcorn. However, your guests will probably also expect deli delights like olives and preserves, a range of beautiful cheeses, and perhaps even shrimp and oysters.

If you are pressed for time, the best thing to do is get a catering delivery from a good food company. Make sure to do your research, and even better – try out the company’s food first. Everyone loves delicious cuisine, so don’t underestimate the importance of providing delicious party snacks.

2. Use Quality Glassware, Cutlery, and Crockery
If you’re going to go elegant, your glassware and serving items need to be smart as well. No one wants to drink Champagne out of plastic glasses and eat shrimp off paper plates! Your glasses, cutlery, and crockery should be refined and shine to perfection.

Champagne flutes are perfect, but many foodies are mixing things up by serving this sparkly drink in traditional white wine or Burgundy glasses. Whatever you use is acceptable, so long as it is super clean and reflects class.

3. Make Sure the Champagne is Ice Cold
Few things are as underwhelming as not-cold-enough Champagne. One of the best ways to achieve just the right temperature is to store your wine in an ice bucket of half cold water and half ice for at least 20 minutes before serving. The bottle should feel cold when you touch it.

You can place ice buckets at key social zones around your party venue or even create an ice bath to make sure bottles are at the ready at all times.

4. Give Your Glasses a Flair
You set down your drink for a moment. But when you turn around, it’s in a sea of glasses. Which is yours?

Solve this problem with some fun charms, coloured ribbons, or homemade, personalised tags for glasses so that your guests won’t lose them. This adds a personal touch and maybe even a refined craft activity.

It could be the perfect way to break the ice between guests.

5. Open Bottles with Care
Nothing can put a stopper in your party’s fizz like someone getting a flying Champagne cork in the eye. Make sure to point the bottle you’re opening far away from other people. As soon as you’ve unwound the cage, pop the cork.

After a few glasses, getting flashy and sabering open a bottle may sound like a great idea. Unless you’ve done this many times before and you’re sober, don’t do this! A trip to the hospital will also put an end – and an uncomfortable memory – to your party.

It’s Time to Party
If you follow some of these pro tips, your next Champagne party is bound to be a hit. But of course, the most important tip is to have fun.

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