5 Tips for Starting the Wine and Brewery Business of Your Dreams

25th January 2023

Serving Champagne by the Glass

If you have decided that you want to start a wine and brewery business, then you need to move forward to make that dream a true reality. While it might seem like building your own wine and brewery business is going to be very hard work, you can follow a few tips in order to make sure that the process has a high chance of success and that you can take some serious action.

1. Have a Business Plan

For starters, you need a business plan. This plan is going to be your step by step guide that will take your brewery from a simple idea on paper to a real building with a menu and equipment and customers and more.

Additionally, having a business plan that is professional and very well done that shows all the costs and also shows your milestones are going to be great with potential investors.

The more research you have done and the more information you can present to investors in your business, the more people are going to continue working with you and also will work to make your dream a reality.

2. Find the Perfect Location

Depending on the business model you want to run, you will need to pick a perfect location for your needs. With a brewery, you don’t just want a place that can serve your wines and beers, but also a place that can make your wines and beers. These places need high amounts of electricity, high clearance, loading docks, floor drains, and more.

Additionally, most brewery buildings need to meet strict standards in order to even qualify for being a brewery, so that can narrow the perfect location down even further. But match the location to your purpose and ask questions that hopefully, the location can answer for you.

3. Get The Right Equipment

Finally, depending on the type of beer or wine you want to serve to your customers, as well as how much you want to make in a year, and the space that your location has available, you will need certain types of equipment. From kegs, to mash tuns, to boilers, to fermenters, you need to have the right type of equipment in order to make sure that the brewery of your dreams is going to be able to produce all the drinks you could ever want.

4. Learn What Types Of Wine You Will Serve

Whether you plan to make mimosas for the morning crowd, or you want to spruce up your cocktails with some Champagne, you need to understand that the world of wine is vast and the types of wine you drink alone might not be the types of wine that can make your business grow.

For example, if your wine business is focused completely on cocktails, then you need to have some trial and error whenever it comes to the sparkling wine that you will use for those drinks. One cocktail does not fit all, so make sure you are making the best tasting drinks with the appropriate sparkling wine!

5. Make Sure Your Brewery is Operating Smoothly and Efficiently

Finally, once you have your brewery put together, then you need to unlock your brewery’s full potential with Get Ollie’s powerful platform. Ollie is a website that is able to take all the data of your brewery, especially those around your brewery’s inventory and place it in a fully automated system that you can access at a glance.

Then you don’t need to spend hours of your time going over your inventory and tracking by hand what drinks are selling and what drinks aren’t. Instead, you can see all the data at a glance, make any changes needed, and then get back to the bigger picture pieces of your business.

Get Started And Make That Dream Real

While you might decide that taking a wine and brewery business from a simple idea in your head to a real brick and mortar store will take a long time (and it might), these tips will help you make a few shortcuts and make the path even easier for you. The more knowledge you have up front for your wine and brewery business, the less days it will take for you to cut that opening ribbon.

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