An Outstanding 2022 for PROSECCO DOC Consortium

16th March 2023

Prosecco DOC

More than 638,000,000 bottles were sold

UK volume increased by 3.5% over 2021


The Prosecco DOC Consortium announced an increase in total Prosecco DOC production volume in 2022 with more than a proportional increase in sales value. Production volume rose by 1.8 percent over 2021 and sales value increased by 11.5 percent over 2021, reaching 638.5 million bottles sold for an estimated total value of more than 3 billion euros.

For the first time, the export quota reached 81.2 percent, while the 2022 domestic consumption equaled 18.8 percent of total sales, confirming its position as the leading wine by consumption, nationally.

The 2022 harvest was a success in terms of quantity and quality, satisfying anticipated demand for 2023. These excellent results confirm the efficient planning and management of this world-renowned denomination.

In foreign markets, record-breaking growth occurred in the United States at 5.8 percent over 2021, overtaking the United Kingdom in terms of exported volumes by value, for the first time.

UK volume increased 3.5 percent over 2021, importing 130 million bottles. Germany followed the UK growing by 2.8 percent and importing 46 million bottles. France maintained its fourth position in terms of Prosecco DOC exports, registering a 19 percent increase in volume and a 30 percent increase in value.

While today Italy consumes 120 million bottles of Prosecco DOC, the US is now the top market for the denomination, with more than 134 million bottles imported in 2022.

In 2023, the Consortium will focus on defining the goals of the denomination as part of the project “#roadto2030,” which will be introduced to the producers’ network in the coming weeks and will then be presented to all stakeholders.

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