Champagne Moussé Fils
29th March 2014

From father to son the Moussé family has lived in the Marne River valley since 1650. We came to Cuisles in 1880, cultivated vines and sold the grapes to the large Champagne houses.
Our family has been making Champagne for 4 generations now and we’ve been growing vines from as long ago as 1750.
In the 1920s, Eugène Moussé exasperated by the ever- fluctuating grape prices and fed up with being dependant on the whims of the buyers, along with one other vine grower in the district, made the decision to start making his own Champagne.
Eugène’s first Champagne was bottled in 1923 and sold in 1926. Things went well until the war started in 1939. Tragically Eugène died in 1945 in the concentration camp at Neuengamme.
Eugène’s wife Suzanne carried on bravely until their son Edmond, who had been in the same concentration camp, came home and had recovered.
From then on the fortunes of Champagne Moussé took on a new lease of life and the start of the 21st century marked the arrival of 4th generation when Cédric joined his father, Jean-Marc.
Our vineyards are spread out across 4 different villages yet all of them are on the same hillside; an unusual characteristic that is reflected in all of our Champagnes.
Glass of Bubbly
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