Grave di Stecca By the Glass in the UK
21st March 2014

Grave di Stecca
Launched at The SeaHorse Restaurant, Dartmouth, Devon, England
“Credo sia il vino più fine ed elegante che questa terra abbia mai prodotto” (G.B ) Veronelli Wine Guide 2014
“I think it is the finest and most elegant wine that this earth has ever produced”
“This wine is sourced from a single, limestone-rich site in which the vines are trained in cordon fashion and farmed sustainably. This is a late-released, thrillingly mineral-drive wine from stem to stern, though delicate fruit is also present in the aromas, flavors and finish. Finished with just 7 grams per liter of sugar, this is close to as intricately complex as a Prosecco can be. Call it what you will, but for me, this is one of the most enduringly interesting wines I’ve ever tasted from this region and grape. And by the way, it can even hold up over time:
93 points Michael Franz Oct 1, 2013 Wine Review OnLine.
Shared by Dacotah Renneau
Glass of Bubbly
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