How To Clean Champagne Stains From Upholstery

30th July 2019


There is simply no denying that drinking Champagne is fun and entertaining. Whether you are celebrating a big win at work or just the start of a long weekend, there is no denying that Champagne can be relaxing. The only problem is that drinking the stuff can leave you a little tipsy. In fact, this is why most people drink. The only problem with growing tipsy is that it affects your coordination. If you aren’t careful it won’t be long before you have the glass of red or white sparkling wine spilled all over the couch or sofa. And, if you have ever been through this you already know what a disaster it can be. Well, it doesn’t have to be. With the right information and tips, you can turn those troublesome Champagne stains into a thing of the past.

Act Immediately

Whether you are a bit tipsy or way gone, the key to eliminating those Champagne spills and preventing stains is to act as quickly as possible. The longer you wait, the worse the stain will become because it will just seep deeper and deeper into the fabric. This is especially true when it comes to most upholstery fabrics. And, this is why it is more than imperative to act immediately. As soon as you have realized that you spilt the drink, you need to spring in action by blotting the spot. Use a clean, white cloth or paper towel to blot up the spill, while also being cautious of the amount of water that you are using. You do not want the rage or paper towel to be overly wet or damp.

Opt For The Pros

Unfortunately, blotting the stain won’t stop it completely. This is just the first part of the process. However, you could end the process right here and opt for the pros. Reliable cleaning service eMop will allow you to order a cleaning online. All you have to do is fill out the detailed application citing your reason for the cleaning and the company will dispatch out a cleaner. You can also list the time of day or night that you want to cleaners to show up and this is when they will come. Just remember that if you want to continue removing the stain on your own, you have that option.

Flooding The Stained Area

If you want to continue with the process, you will do so by flooding the stain. Now, this doesn’t mean to pour copious amounts of water on the stain. It means to just simply take a sponge, wet it, and squeeze out a few drops on the stained area. This is an extremely important step because it will help dilute the sugars in the alcohol, which are known to attract more soil. After doing this, you will want to continue by blotting the area again. However, this time you will do it with a dry white cloth until there is no more moisture left in the fibers of the upholstery. After this, most people would recommend using a washing dish detergent and two cups of warm water to work away the stain until it is completely removed.

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