How to Pair Sparkling Wine with a Homecooked Meal

26th January 2023

Cheese Sticks and Sparkling Wine

Homecooked food is an age-old tradition that is both comforting and delicious, but is often made all the more enjoyable with a refreshing drink on the side. Sparkling wines are a popular choice for pairing with food, and with the right knowledge, you will be able to find the perfect sparkling wine to pair with your homecooked meals.

Whether you are looking for a luxurious champagne or an affordable Prosecco, learning the basics of pairing sparkling wine with your food can be a great way to get creative in the kitchen and add a unique twist to your meals. With a few tips and tricks, you can make your homecooked meals even more enjoyable by pairing them with the perfect sparkling wine.

Overview of sparkling wines

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of sparkling wine and food pairings, it is important to first understand the basics of sparkling wines themselves. Sparkling wines are made by either removing the oxygen from a still wine or adding carbon dioxide during the wine production process. This creates the fizziness or bubbles that give sparkling wines their name.

Despite having different methods of production, sparkling wines can be split into two main categories.

Prosecco: Prosecco is the name of a type of sparkling wine made in Italy. Prosecco wines are made by adding CO2 to a still wine, and are therefore known as “sparkling” wines. It is the most commonly-produced sparkling wine in the world, and is made primarily from the Glera grape.

Champagne: Champagne is a type of sparkling wine made in the Champagne region of France. It is produced by adding CO2 to a still wine, and is therefore known as “sparkling” wine. However, Champagne is special in that the second fermentation of the wine takes place inside the bottle. This means that when you open the bottle, the bubbles are retained, giving a fizz that is much stronger than with other sparkling wines.

Sparkling wine and food pairing basics

Before diving in with pairing recommendations, it is important to understand the basics of pairing sparkling wine with food. The key to pairing sparkling wine with food is finding the right balance of flavours between the two. The flavours of the sparkling wine should not overpower the flavours of the food, but instead should enhance them.

When pairing sparkling wine with food, there are a few different factors to keep in mind.

Body and texture: The body and texture of both sparkling wine and food is important. The texture of each should be considered when pairing sparkling wine with food. Sparkling wines can come in many different textures, ranging from light and fresh to full and rich.

Sweetness: Sweets are an important part of many traditional meals, and can be even more so when pairing sparkling wine with food. However, it is important to note that most sparkling wines are not sweet, and so the sweetness of the food should be considered when pairing sparkling wine with food.

Acidity: The level of acidity in sparkling wine and food can be very important when pairing sparkling wine with food. Sparkling wines generally have some level of acidity, which can help to balance the flavours of food, helping the food flavours to come through.

Picking the perfect sparkling wine for your meal

Once you have understood the basics of sparkling wine and food pairing, you can begin to pick the perfect sparkling wine for your meal. When picking a sparkling wine, you will likely come across a wide assortment of different wines, which can make finding the right wine for your meal tough. So, how do you decide which sparkling wine to pick?

There are a few things to keep in mind when picking the perfect sparkling wine.

Alcohol content: The alcohol content of sparkling wines will vary depending on the brand, but the alcohol content should be considered when picking the perfect sparkling wine for your meal. Sparkling wines typically range from 8% ABV to 15% ABV, and so it is important to note the alcohol content of each sparkling wine before choosing it for your meal.

Price: The price of a sparkling wine is also something to keep in mind when picking the perfect sparkling wine for your meal. In many cases, you get what you pay for when it comes to sparkling wines. So, if you are looking for a more high-quality sparkling wine, you will likely have to pay a bit more for it.

Serving and tasting sparkling wine

After you have a perfectly paired sparkling wine, you will want to make sure you serve it in the right way to make it even more enjoyable. There are a few key things to keep in mind when serving sparkling wine.

Temperature: The first thing to keep in mind when serving sparkling wine is the temperature. Sparkling wines should be served at a cool temperature in order to retain their flavour and bubbles. The perfect temperature to serve sparkling wine at is 10-12 degrees Celsius.

Glassware: The type of glassware you choose to serve your sparkling wine in can affect the flavour of the wine. You may wish to use a champagne flute to serve sparkling wines, but a wine glass can also be used. The type of glassware you choose to serve your sparkling wine in should depend on the sparkling wine you have purchased.

Pairing sparkling wine with different types of homecooked food

Now that you know how to pick the perfect sparkling wine and how to serve it, you can put all your knowledge to good use and pair sparkling wines with different types of homecooked meals. Sparkling wines can go well with a wide variety of meals, and with the right pairings, you can really enhance your homecooked meals.

Cheese and crackers: Cheese and crackers are a classic pairing, and for good reason. Sparkling wines can go well with cheese, particularly the richer varieties. So, try pairing your favourite sparkling wine with a nice block of cheese to add an extra touch of elegance to your meal.

Fish: Fish is a popular meal, and one that can be improved with the addition of a sparkling wine. Sparkling wines can pair well with many types of fish, from salmon to tuna. Try pairing your favourite sparkling wine with a fresh fish dish to add a nice twist to the meal.

Salads: Salads are an evergreen meal that can be enjoyed at any time of the year. Try pairing your favourite sparkling wine with a simple salad to add a little bit of extra flair to your meal.

Examples of good sparkling wine and food pairings

Now that you know how to pick the perfect sparkling wine and how to pair it with different types of food, let’s look at some examples of sparkling wine and food pairings. These are just a few pairing examples, but there are many more out there.

Prosecco and cheese: The light and fresh nature of Prosecco sparkling wines make them perfect for pairing with cheese. Prosecco wines have enough acidity to cut through the stronger flavours of the cheese, making them a great pairing for cheese and crackers.

Champagne and oysters: Champagne is a classic pairing for oysters, and for good reason. Champagne has enough acidity to cut through the strong flavours of the oysters, and its sweetness helps to bring out the flavours of the oysters. This makes Champagne a perfect pairing for oysters.

Tips for creating your own sparkling wine and food pairings

Now that you know how to pick the perfect sparkling wine and how to pair it with different types of food, you can put all of your knowledge to use to create your own unique pairings. One way to create sparkling wine and food pairings is to pick the food you want to eat and then find the perfect sparkling wine to pair with it. You can also pick the sparkling wine you want to drink and then find a food that pairs with it. No matter which method you choose, sparkling wine and food pairings can be a fun and creative way to add an extra bit of flair to your meals.

Sparkling wine and food pairing etiquette

Now that you know how to pair sparkling wine and food, you may be wondering about sparkling wine and food pairing etiquette. In general, sparkling wines are a very casual drink that can be enjoyed at any time and with any meal. In most cases, sparkling wines can be paired with any food, and the pairings can range from simple to extravagant. The only thing to keep in mind when pairing sparkling wines with food is to make sure the flavours do not overpower the food. Head over to if you need some inspiration for easy but delicious homecooked recipes to dish up with your favorite sparkling wine.

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