Interesting Facts about The Bubbly Drink of Drinks
17th September 2021

Some Basic Facts
Referred to as the king of the drinks, also known as the favorite alcoholic beverage of the British queen, as well as our celebrations, Champagne has earned itself a distinction among our drinks. Our bubbly favorite can not only be a great companion for any social occasion be it a picnic, a brunch, celebrating birthdays, or Christmas. The sparkling wonder not only raises our moods, but does a lot more than that, and drinking it moderately can also be good for our health!
It is essential to note that all Champagne is sparkling wine, but it isn’t true vice versa: not all sparkling wine is Champagne. To determine which wine is rather Champagne than sparkling wine, you need to find out its winemaking region. Champagne is produced in northern France. Sparkling wines are made all over the world from various grapes using different production methods. Their fizzy texture comes from the dissolved carbon dioxide within them.
Sparkling Wine or Champagne?
If you enjoy Champagne but are content with a cheaper version of a similar beverage, you could pick sparkling wine made with the traditional method. Producers make them everywhere with distinctive characteristics in flavor, texture, richness, and depth, depending on the unique local features of their place of making. Champagne enjoys its popularity for its especially creamy and deep traits, along with its tiny but lasting bubbles.
You can easily spot the jewels among Champagne from the so-called collerette, when bubbles persistently ascend on the sides of your glass. Since your first glass of Champagne should be the richest in bubbles, it also can make you feel tipsy the fastest. Like with everything else, it is a blessing in fewer quantities like one or two glasses, but could be a poison if you drink too much, and consume an entire bottle steadily on your own.
Watch out Popping Your Bottle!!
The largest Champagne consumers in the world are of course France (more than 162.5 million liters every year), followed by the United Kingdom, the U.S., Australia, Japan, and Germany. Champagne does not only have three times more carbonation than beer, but the pressure in Champagne bottles is also around three times as much as the pressure in car tires. In a 7500ml bottle of Champagne, there are about 49 million bubbles.
It might sound cliche, but you should be very careful where you point your bottle’s head when opening since your Champagne cork’s velocity can reach 34.8 miles an hour!! Unfortunately, because of such high bombastic pressure, people are more likely to die from incidents consuming Champagne than from a poisonous spider bite!! What’s more, out of all deaths related to Champagne, the third of them happens at weddings, so beware of the toast time!
The Elite’s Drink of Choice
There are plenty of historic notes about Champagne being the favorite drink of the famous. Among them, the famous American bombshell actress Marilyn Monroe reportedly took a luxury bath in Champagne, using 350 bottles for her seance. Winston Churchill, another famous Champagne fan, reportedly drunk an estimated 42,000 bottles until 1965. It was also the favored beverage of the British Queen Victoria (Perrier-Jouet), as well as of the current Queen of the U.K. Elizabeth II.
Originally, sparkling wine experiments were carried out for kings and queens in 17th-century France. The Benedictine monk Dom Pierre Pérignon later polished and perfected the wine-making process. Today, one of the most expensive bottles is some type of Dom Pérignon, which can cost as much as $ 49,000. The most expensive bottle in history has been reportedly designed by Alexander Amosu and Swarovski and cost $ 2.07 million.
This luxury bottle was handmade from 18-carat solid gold with a deep-cut 19-carat white diamond in its center. Thanks to its pricey bottle, only a few of them were made and they became a special collectors’ item. Some of the most exclusive bubbly beverages are only available by special order or high-end clubs exclusively. These days, you can mostly purchase sparkling wines from grapes of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Meunier, worldwide.
The Health Benefits of Champagne
While most alcoholic beverages, similarly to coffee, can provide you a momentary buzz, only to leave you a bit drained later. But if you drink Champagne, it can make you feel its effect faster in comparison with other drinks, without losing your energy. The health benefits of Champagne can not only make it your favorite drink of celebrations, but it can also be your best choice for its health benefits. Here are a few hints, why.
Champagne could improve the health of your heart. The same antioxidants which are also beneficial in wines made of white and red grapes have many preventative effects. By drinking a small amount of quality wine or Champagne, it can help you prevent damage to your blood vessels as well as blood clots, and reduce your cholesterol level. This reduces your chances of heart diseases and strokes. Remember to only consume such drinks moderately!
Other than having beneficial effects on your heart, research has also shown that the proteins in Champagne can be good for your memory! According to a study, three bottles of wine or Champagne could help you improve your short-term memory. We are all familiar with its high mood-boosting effect. Where does it come from? A sip of Champagne is rich in minerals that are great for your body, like magnesium, potassium, and zinc!
Watching Your Diet?
If you are conscious of your calories intake, it is one more reason why you should opt for a good bottle of Champagne. It contains fewer calories than both white and red wine, and since the portions are usually less but more effective, chances are, you will be content drinking it in fewer amounts as well! All in all, it is a great choice of alcoholic beverage, provided you don’t want to drink up an entire bottle in one seat! Cheers, enjoy your drink!!
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