Interview With A Sommelier – Aurelie Eloy

14th August 2023

Interview With A Sommelier Aurelie Eloy

The World of Wine is beautifully showcased by an army of talented Sommeliers, who help the consumer discover their next favourite bottle, understand the different regions and pair a delicious meal with the right Glass of Bubbly.

In this feature, I speak with a woman who has helped many people to discover the vast world of Wines and Sparkling Wines, her name is Aurelie Eloy. Let’s find out a bit about her life as a Sommelier.

Tell Us About Yourself

“My name is Lily, I am 30 and I am from France. I moved to the West of Ireland four years ago and I have been working as a sommelier for 5 years but have about 10 years of experience in beverage and hospitality. I am currently studying the WSET Diploma while working in a 5* Castle.”

What Inspired You To Become a Sommelier?

“It all started when I moved to Burgundy. Even though the wine world felt intimidating as a beginner, I met so many generous people, sharing their knowledge and their passion, it grew on me very fast. It is only a few years later though, that I felt confident enough to apply for my first sommelier position.”

During Your Time As A Sommelier, What’s The Most Surprising Thing You’ve Learnt?

“How far the domestication of the vine goes back (6000-8000 years ago!) and the history behind the wine we drink today. The relation between the vine, its environment, the vineyard management and the wine is the result of thousands of years of research and improvements, something I would have never guessed nor even thought about when I first started drinking wine.”

How Often Do You Find Yourself Recommending English Sparkling Wine?

“I think England will be a region that will benefit from climatic changes and the soils are very close to what we can find in Champagne & Loire Valley that have obviously demonstrated being suited to grow very good quality grapes for sparkling wine. I like to recommend them to guests that are looking to discover something new without going too far off what they know style-wise.”

In Your Professional Opinion, Out Of Champagne And Prosecco, Which Do You Think Does A Better Job With Complementing A Meal

“Both! You might have more options with Champagne because it is made in a more complex style but there is plenty to do with Prosecco. I would tend to pair the latter with desserts due to its slightly sweeter, more fruit forward profile while the former would best complement savoury food in general.”

What Advice Would You Give Aspiring Sommeliers?

“Travel as much as you can and make the best of the support available to grow in the industry. It is often difficult to do due to the demanding nature of our industry but visiting vineyards, talking to growers and seeing the process of winemaking in different wine regions and countries is the best school you can ever go to. Look into associations supporting junior Sommeliers and find mentors to guide you along the road.”

If You Sat Down For A Quiet Dinner, What Dish And Sparkling Wine Would You Choose To Enjoy Together?

“I am currently expecting my second child and all I have been dreaming about is a Strawberry Vacherin and a glass of Champagne Rosé.”

Thank you, Aurelie, for sharing your words, knowledge and experiences with us and we at Glass of Bubbly wish you the very best for the future!

Images belong to Aurelie Eloy. Glass of Bubbly was granted permission to use them.

Oliver Walkey

Champagne and Sparkling Wine Writer, Focused on Bringing the Exciting and Fascinating World of Bubbly to You.