Some Nutritional Facts About Sparkling Wine

22nd November 2022

Spumante Bottles of Sparkling Wine

You have seen some great fountain-type showers in hands coming out through glass bottles in some celebrations or toast time. Do you wonder what it is? You consider it to be recognised as Champagne of some kind. Always remember that – “All Champagne is sparkling wine but all sparkling wine is not Champagne”. Sparkling wine has carbon dioxide content. It is a secondary fermentation process that takes place in a bottle or storage tank. The process of sparkling appears by pouring sugar and yeast into the wine. Don’t let bubbles in sparkling wine fool you. There are multiple sparkling wine nutrition facts that you should know. Before that, you should know about the history of sparkling wine and from where it comes into existence.

History of sparkling wine
In ancient Rome and Greece, many people observed the phenomenon of the appearance of bubbles in wine. They couldn’t figure out the real reason for this phenomenon. Many people assume that there is a priest in the 1600s who tends to live in Champagne, France has capped his wine bottles tightly to ferment the wine which is not possible because of the low temperature.

The temperature increases in the bottle and the yeast keep on fermenting wine. CO2 was unable to escape from anywhere and led to bubbles inside the wine bottle. High pressure in the bottles led to pop bottles and due to this, the French started to transport sparkling wine to Britain in thick bottles with a stopper over the top. It is the best method to keep sparkling wine safe and secure.

Types of sparkling wine
However, there are numerous types of sparkling wine present all over the world. Here you will discover some of the most popular and common types of sparkling wine preferred. The flavours, colours and taste of wine usually matter a lot. Changing varieties can make your day really special with your family, friends and loved ones.

1. Champagne – It is the most preferred sparkling wine that is considered in family gatherings, celebrations, and weddings and originated from Champagne in France. Champagne is a versatile wine and tastes good with your breakfast or brunch. You can try it with fried food and other life celebrations. There are small bubbles in the Champagne that are not always sweet. It is the best choice when you prefer a mild sweet taste in your drinks and food.

2. Prosecco – Prosecco name of the wine originated from the village of Prosecco in Italy. You can find it in various other forms besides the bubbly or sparkling variety. It is prepared with Glera grapes and has a sweet taste. The prosecco wine is prepared using a tank method which leads to large bubbles in the bottles. Prosecco’s nutritional value lies in calories containing about 70%, Carbohydrate count is 96% and contains 4% protein.

3. Cava – It is a sparkling wine that originated in the town of Catalonia in Spain. Cava is produced with the traditional method and uses Spanish grapes, Macabeo in the process. Spanish grapes add a fresh lemony flavour to the wine. The wine can also be made from Xarello and Parellada grapes that have a fruity taste similar to pear and citrus. There are floral aromas and a less sweet taste than Prosecco.

4. Cremant – Cremant is also a specific type of sparkling wine produced in various regions of France. It is created or produced with the traditional method. The taste of the wine varies according to the grape taste at that particular time. However, you will get a creamy and nutty taste in most of the wine over sweet.

5. Rosé – Rose wine is also available in Sparkling wine form and is popular among wine lovers. It has a fruity aroma with a pink hue and has a great flavour. Flavours can include strawberry, honeydew, rhubarb, rose petal and citrus.

6. Shiraz sparkling wine – It is a unique type of sparkling red wine that adds fun and charm to your party or celebration. The Shiraz sparkling wine has pomegranate aromas and you will get a dark berries taste which is perfectly fine.

These are the common types of sparkling wine that make your day and celebration perfect. Try to sip all of these wine types with your friends and family on different occasions.

Calories in Sparkling wine
The calorie percentage or number varies with the amount of a particular ingredient. You can find calories in sparkling wine by estimating the smallest amount of wine. Let’s consider a glass of red or white wine has around 135 and 200 calories. A glass of dry of Champagne contains 95 calories and a low dosage contains only about 65 – 70 calories per glass. Knowledge of sparkling wine nutrition facts makes it perfectly suitable for consumption for the person who is on a diet and a fitness freak.

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