Breaky Bottom – Peter’s Notes, June 2024

As I start on Peter’s Notes for June, already rather late in the month because of the pressing work required in the vineyard for the 2024 crop, I am still looking to think back to the early days soon after planting. The photographs I choose will be rather higgledy-piggledy, but they are ‘of-the-time’ – my…

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Breaky Bottom – Peter’s Notes April 2024 – 50th Anniversary!

Special announcement – 2024 is Breaky Bottom’s 50th Anniversary! My livestock farm before planting vines I planted the vineyard back in April 1974, so this month I am looking back to the very start – the ploughing of the proposed site, the initial planting of vines and the posting and trellising of the individual rows.…

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Breaky Bottom – Peter’s Notes March 2024

A Spring morning Work continues in the vineyard and the ewes are about to start lambing; yet forgive me, but for some reason, loudly, I can hear the speaker of the House of Commons shouting “Order, order…..!” So instead, I have chosen to focus on the delights of spring and the animals and plants which…

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