Key Champagne Statistics

17th October 2015

Key Champagne Statistics

Here are some key statistics about Champagne for 2014.

There are 15,800 winegrowers in Champagne.

There are 300 Champagne Houses

The productive area consists of 33,705 hectares of which:
22,375 in the Marne department.
7,970 in the Aube and Haute-Marne departments.
3,360 in the Aisne and Seine-et-Marne departments.

The grape varieties in Champagne are made up of:
Pinot Noir 38 %
Meunier 32 %
Chardonnay 30 %

The harvest was 337 million bottles.
The yield = 11,548 kg/hectare.

France 162,266,302 bottles (53 %) of which:
89,659,070 from the Champagne houses (55 %)
72,607,232 from the winegrowers and co-operatives (45 %)

144,870,262 bottles (47 %) of which:
125,434,611 for the Champagne houses (87 %)
19,435,651 for the winegrowers and co-operatives (13 %)

307,136,564 bottles
215,093,681 for the Champagne houses (70 %)
92,042,883 for the winegrowers and co-operatives (30 %)

All figures from

Glass of Bubbly

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