Why Sparkling Wine? My Top 10 Reasons

1st April 2014

lady girl pouring glass of cava sparkling bubbly

Well why not?! It’s fabulous. Don’t you agree?

I’ve been asked a few times why my business specialises in premium sparkling wine and particularly starting with Prosecco. So here we go….my top 10 reasons why:

1) The wine market for sparkling wine is increasing, particularly Prosecco. In fact, Prosecco overtook Champagne last year in global sales. 307 Million vs 304 Million. That’s a lot of cork popping! …and the trend is set to continue.

2) We’ve all heard of Champagne, but not everyone knows about other fabulous premium sparkling wines out there. DOCG Prosecco, which is the higher quality Prosecco, is a fairly well kept secret…something I want to shout about as it’s so incredibly awesome!

3) Sparkling wine makes you feel happy as it’s usually to mark a celebration of some kind.

4) It’s a drink to be shared. So it’s an excuse to have lots of friends and/or family around you.

5) It makes you feel special wherever you are… the bubbles, the stemmed glass, the ice bucket, the cork popping…the whole experience.

6) I like the taste of Prosecco. I’m generally not a great fan of white wine, (though there are one or two exceptions) Champagne or fizzy drinks but find the quality DOCG Prosecco totally quaffable!

7) Location, location, location. Have you seen how breathtaking the Prosecco region is? No wonder it tastes so good!

8) I have another passion and that is for wine glasses. I love the wine glasses for sparkling wine as they are so elegant and feel special.

9) Prosecco generally contains less alcohol, has less residual yeast (so you’re less likely to get a headache) … and fewer calories vs Champagne… so you can drink more and not feel as guilty or as hungover the next morning..and on top of all that it’s cheaper too!

10) I can actually pronounce Prosecco unlike some of the more unpronounceable wine names. Gewurztraminer springs to mind!

I could probably list a few more, especially after a glass or two of Prosecco, but that will do for now. What’s your reason why for drinking Prosecco? ..and if you haven’t yet, what’s stopping you?! ‘Cin cin’ for reading, as they say in Italy (cheers in case you were wondering). Till next time.

JPW Julia

Shared by Julia Phillips

Founder & Director of Just Perfect Wines

Glass of Bubbly

Executive editor of news content for the website Please enjoy the articles that we share - We hope you find our love for Champagne & Sparkling Wines both interesting and educational.