Beginner Tips On Selecting A Good Bottle Of Wine

16th December 2019

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It must be confounding in choosing the best bottle of wine, especially if you are a newbie or know nothing about it. You should consider a lot of things from its taste, content, aromatics, what type of grapes being used, and its sweetness.

However, many wine enthusiasts are recommending that you should start to taste those lighter wines. In that way, you will appreciate its different flavors. In reading this article, you will know all the factors you should consider in choosing a good bottle of wine. Let us break into the world of wines.

Taste It!
Taste is an essential factor that you should consider as a beginner, and it takes a lot of wine tasting in order to know which wine is the best. We all know that wines are made out of grape juice fermentation. These grapes are not the regular ones that you saw in the supermarket. To have a good bottle of wine you have to be careful in choosing your grapes, it should have those small, thick skins and seeds.

The taste of wine depends on what type of grapes did you use in fermentation. Those available sweet wines in the market are made out of sweet kinds of grapes. According to the Wine Folly website, there are 1,300 wine grapes varieties used in production, but only 100 of these are used in the world’s vineyards, and the most delicious wine can be found in Cabernet Sauvignon.

Picking a good bottle of wine includes looking at its viscidity. It is referring to its heaviness and lightness feeling in your mouth. For most beginners in tasting a bottle of wine, they tend to choose the light viscidity. These are the type of wines that do not need to age to taste good. You can drink them while it is young.

For beginners, it is recommended that you try to drink wines that are sweet instead of those aged wines. There are a lot of available sweet wines in the market that you can buy, which are more affordable than other wines. This sweet type of wine does not have a lot of sugar content compared to juice drinks.

These are the wines that do not go to a long period of the fermentation process; that is why you can still taste the natural sweetness of the grapes. Typically, those white wines are sweeter than red wines. Therefore, you should choose a white bottle of wine instead.

Smell It!
The more aromatic it is, the more you want to taste it, and that is the magic of wines. Wine enthusiast is very particular in smelling a wine because, from the smell alone, they already know its taste. That is why if you desire to become an expert in wines, you have to learn its differences through the smell alone.

The aroma will depend on the contents of wine such as the type of grapes, the land of grapes where it is planted and how long it is fermented. According to, the most famous winery is where the cult wine Screaming Eagle originated, which is in Napa Valley. A lot of wine enthusiasts are going crazy about this cult wine because of its taste and the name itself.

The Best Wines You Can Try As A Beginner
You can start your wine tasting by picking white wines because it tastes sweet and simple, which will help you to identify its differences with red wines. According to Love To Know website, the brand of white wines that you must try is Pinot Grigio, Moscato d’Asti, Riesling, and Sauvignon Blanc. On the other hand, red wines are more complex in taste and full-bodied.

The best red wines you can try are Pinot Noir, Syrah and Beaujolais Nouveau. Beaujolais Nouveau is very different from other red wines. You do not need to wait for a long time to enjoy the exquisite taste of this wine. It is better to be drunk while it is newly made. Usually, you can buy this wine in December, and it is perfect for Christmas.

Don’t forget your fizz, there are lots of different sparkling wines to try, like Champagne from France, these can be more complex in flavour compared to Prosecco from Italy which tend to be lighter and fruitier.

Learning how to choose a good bottle of wine is not that hard if you are interested in its taste. There is no wrong of trying it, and it can complete your dinner or in celebration. Its taste can complete the joy that you are feeling, and many people are drinking wines to relax from all the stress.

Venture on your own and find your favorite bottle of wine now and use these guidelines in finding the best wines out there! Remember to consider its taste, viscidity, sweetness, and aroma. To avoid wasting your money, learn the power of smell to identify its taste.

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