Your Perfect Wine Tour: Best Places to Taste the Best Winemaker’s Works

30th October 2022

The DOCG Region of Prosecco in Italy

Autumn trips are usually special: the weather still pleases with the warm sun, but there are not as many tourists as in summer. Wine connoisseurs know that grapes are harvested during this golden season and young wine can be tasted. And, of course, it is a special pleasure to drink it where it is produced, so let’s see where it is worth traveling to try the exclusive products.

Numerous countries are well-known for their winemaking, so famous sights are only one of the goals when choosing a trip destination. Check the best places to consider when planning a vacation – and don’t miss the chance to taste unique flavors from the vineyards.

Italy, the Motherland of the Best Wines
When speaking about the best wine and sparkling wine, like Prosecco, we cannot avoid mentioning Italy, rightfully considered this beverage’s motherland. Ancient Romanians were known to provide the best wine, and the country’s residents still value their traditions. The local Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Chardonnay were once available only for royals, but now, everyone can try these masterpieces from Tuscan wineries.

If you visit the northern regions, don’t miss the chance to come to the cozy and exciting Merano – there, you can find the Kranzel wine house with a labyrinth garden. Moreover, an annual wine festival is held in November. Try the best beverages and take some with you since sitting at home and reading a book or playing online video slots with a glass of amazing wine is the best option. Bring a piece of Italy and enjoy the fantastic flavors!

Cool Warm and Hot weather effect Wine Character

Cool Warm and Hot weather effect Wine Character – Here I am in Georgia

Georgia, The Cradle of Hospitality
Kakheti is the heart of Georgian winemaking and you have probably seen products from this beautiful region on supermarket shelves. So, why not try them straight out of the barrel? You can check the most popular tourist routes, which usually include Tsinandali, Napareuli, Gurjaani, Alaverdi, Telavi, and Alazani Valley and build a tour according to your preferences. For instance, Sighnaghi town is usually forgotten by visitors, but this is precisely the place where you can taste the best young wine and admire the magnificent landscapes of the Alazani valley. Many wineries even offer tourists the opportunity to participate in the harvest: it is even more interesting to taste wine or sparkling wine that you’ve help to make yourself!

Picturesque and Mysterious Chile 
Chilean wine is quite controversial among true connoisseurs: while someone loves such products, others cannot stand them. But the fact remains that the country produces a huge number of drinks that are definitely worth a try. If you take an hour and a half drive from Santiago, you will find a cozy and picturesque Central Valley. Both white and red grapes grow in the region, but the winery culture started developing quite recently. The French immigrants instilled in Chileans a taste for wine in the middle of the 20th century, and since then, tourists can enjoy a huge selection of wines, which are mostly inexpensive.

South Africa: The Most Unobvious Wine Touristic Routes
Wines from this country make up only 2.4% of the world’s exports, but it constantly grows, and the products’ quality is often underestimated. According to the records, the first vineyard opened in 1659 in the country’s southwest. Stellenboch city is considered the largest wine centre in SA, which is located 50 kilometres from Capetown. There, you can taste the best wines from the branded cellars or have a picnic near the lake. Make sure to try some MCC,(Methode Cap Classique) sparkling wine which is created in the same way as Champagne. The picturesque valley is surrounded by mountains, so you won’t be disappointed with the amazing views and the best wineries’ creations!

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