Sipping Gold: Vintage Secrets from Olympic Athletes

25th July 2024

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Can you imagine sipping Champagne in the middle of your morning run? It might sound bizarre today, but this bubbly beverage was once considered a performance enhancer by athletes.

Alcohol, in general, was appreciated for its stimulating effects and Champagne was a favorite thanks to its rejuvenating effervescence. Greek runner Spiridon Louis, winner of the marathon event at the 1896 Athens Olympics, drank cognac to help finish the final six miles.

In 1908, the winner of the Chicago Marathon, runner Albert Corey, credited his win to a steady supply of Champagne. At least a handful of runners during that same event imbibed alcohol or strychnine cocktails during the race—including the first four to cross the finish line. Such behavior was not uncommon at the time. Trainers believed that Champagne and brandy, due to their sugar content, could boost performance, and that small doses of strychnine could improve muscle function.

Thanks to later studies on the effects of alcohol on muscle groups and hydration, trainers no longer offer athletes strychnine cocktails or glasses of bubbly. However, alcohol remains an option for runners seeking to enhance a race experience in other ways. At the Marathon de Médoc in French wine country, 23 different glasses of wine (along with other gastronomic delights) await runners along the 26.2-mile route.

With the 2024 Summer Olympics just about to begin, there’s no better time to explore the fascinating history of this iconic French beverage. So, while athletes today might stick to their protein shakes and energy gels, spectators and enthusiasts can indulge in a bit of nostalgia and luxury.

Cheers to celebrating the upcoming Olympics in true French style!


Article by the Champagne Bureau, USA 

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