Olympic Cookout with Champagne Flair

26th July 2024

Champagne et barbecue avec les influenceurs, à Merendree.

The Summer Olympics gets underway today, July 26 in Paris. It’s easy to incorporate a bit of French flair into traditional American celebrations whether you’re grilling in the backyard or munching on potato chips in the family room. Below are some fun suggestions for pairing classic American foods with a bit of bubbly from across the host country’s renowned region of Champagne.

Brut Rosé from the Montagne de Reims

Food Pairing: Hamburgers

While traditionally served with a still red wine such as Syrah or Pinot Noir, hamburgers pair beautifully with Champagne. A brut rosé from the Montagne de Reims subregion made primarily with Pinot Noir grapes will deliver freshness and acidity that cuts through the fatty richness of a burger, along with savory notes that pair well with the beef.

100% Meunier NV from Vallée de la Marne 

Food Pairing: Hot Dogs

If your grill has hot dogs on it this summer, you may want to add Champagne to your fridge. A perfect pairing for this ballpark classic is a non-vintage 100% Meunier from the Vallée de la Marne. Like rosé and hamburgers, Meunier’s combination of bold fruity flavors and deeper earthy qualities enhance the smokiness of a beef hot dog. This pairing was reportedly a favorite of actress Marlene Dietrich.

80% Pinot Noir Blend from Côte des Bar 

Food Pairing: Cheesesteak

A pairing of two regional delicacies over 3,000 miles apart, the relationship between Champagne and the Philadelphia favorite may not be an obvious one – but it’s a delicious one, nonetheless. Next time you grill up a cheesesteak, consider popping a bottle of a Champagne blend from Côte des Bar. We recommend primarily Pinot Noir, with smaller representations of Chardonnay and Meunier, for the perfect sip to both match and counter the richness of the sandwich.

Vintage Blanc de Blancs from the Côte des Blancs 

Food Pairing: Fried Chicken

Another untraditional pairing that continues to grow in popularity is fried chicken and Champagne. In this case, we specifically recommend washing down the American delicacy with a vintage Blanc de Blancs from Côte des Blanc. The nutty, creaminess of this champagne style pairs beautifully with the salty and fatty crunch of classic fried chicken.

Brut Nature Champagne from Aÿ 

Food Pairing: Potato Chips

A staple at watch parties across the country, the classic potato chip compliments the Champagne, specifically a brut nature Champagne from Aÿ. This style reflects the expression of the original wine blend without the addition of liqueur de dosage, or a mix of cane sugar dissolved in wine, prior to corking. Also known as zero dosage, these Champagnes have very low sugar content that balances perfectly with the salty, fried crunch of a traditional potato chip.

Article by the Champagne Bureau, USA 

Photo credit: Images belong to Comité Champagne and Glass of Bubbly was granted permission to use them.

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