Breaky Bottom – Peter’s Notes – August 2024

26th September 2024

Oz Clarke journalist tv

I was recently rummaging through folders of ancient newspaper cuttings and bumped into this – an article from the ‘Sunday Express Magazine’ (circa 1987) by my old chum Oz Clarke.

I was one of a small number of UK vineyards back then, all of us still winemakers. I feel embarrassed reading much of the text, flatteringly ‘over-the-top’, as I still like to retain a degree of modesty about my achievements.

Nevertheless, it’s a great reminder of Oz’s visit, complete with photos, and the fun we had teasing each other, and chatting not only about wines of the world but our shared love of great music, acting, poetry and prose – and all this nearly 40 years ago!

Discover the article, along with further pictures from the team at Breaky Bottom right here: Oz Clarke’s Sunday Express Article

Peter Hall

Peter has had 50 years of making wine at Breaky Bottom. He has come to appreciate that the best wine is made in the vineyard. The winemaker’s job is to let good grapes express themselves naturally.