Building Optimal Recruitment Procedures as an Alcohol Business

8th May 2023

Serving Champagne by the Glass

Many industries have suffered immense hardships due to the global pandemic. The alcohol industry, in particular, has had to make some major changes in products, services, and the manner of hiring employees. That’s why companies have turned to recruitment platforms to make the process of finding new employees easier and more efficient.

Luckily, the Job Today hiring platform has emerged as a trusted source for businesses across all industries, alcohol companies included. Job Today is an online recruitment system that simplifies the entire hiring process and allows businesses to find the right candidate quickly and easily.

Why Should the Alcohol Industry Turn to Streamlined Recruitment?

As wineries and alcohol companies are trying to stay competitive and keep up with the ever-changing industry, it is essential that they have access to a wide range of talented individuals. The cost associated with hiring new staff can be substantial, especially for smaller companies that cannot afford traditional recruitment methods.

Streamlined recruitment processes such as Job Today provide businesses in the alcohol industry with an efficient and cost-effective solution when it comes to finding employees.

How did Job Today Become the UK’s #1 Recruitment Platform?

With over 250 million job applications processed, Job Today has proved itself beneficial for businesses in the alcohol industry. In particular, the following benefits are what made the platform what it is today:

Quick Access to Qualified Candidates

Job Today allows you to filter by location, experience, and other criteria, making it easier for businesses to find the right candidate. This means that employers can quickly narrow down their search results based on the specific needs of their business.

For example, if a winery needs an experienced wine-making team leader in a particular region – they can easily filter out all candidates who do not meet those criteria.

Filters by Location and Experience

On Job Today, businesses are only charged for contacting applicants who meet their criteria. This means that companies can save costs associated with traditional recruitment methods and make sure they are investing in the right candidates.

Payments Only for Contacting Relevant Applicants

Everything is free until only when contacting candidates. By subscribing to a certain service, you can contact as many candidates as you like, paying only for the ones that are relevant to your business.


The global pandemic has forced many businesses to rethink their hiring process. The alcohol industry is no exception, as these companies need efficient and cost-effective solutions when it comes to finding new employees.

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