Artcava – Create Your Own Cava – Interview With Eric Enguita

22nd July 2024

Artcava Interview With Eric Enguita

In this exclusive interview on Glass of Bubbly, we speak with the CEO of Artcava, Eric Enguita from Barcelona, Spain, where crafting your own Cava has never been easier and more fun to do.

It’s Great To Speak With You, Eric, Can You Tell Us A Little About Yourself & How Your Journey Into The Wine Industry Began?

“It’s an absolute pleasure to connect! My name is Eric Enguita, and I am a proud son of Penedès, a region steeped in the rich tradition of sparkling wine. Here, our sparkling culture is so ingrained that we joke about bottle-feeding babies with Cava! My adventure into the world of winemaking began at the tender age of 19 when I founded Artcava, fresh out of my farming and winemaking studies. My first flirtation with sparkling wine happened at home, sharing a “porró” (a traditional wine pitcher) with my parents when I was just 15 or 16. That simple yet profound experience ignited a passion that led me to create Cava just a few years later. I even remember my trips to primary school in September, asking farmers for grapes. I had a winery just two steps from my home, I was 5-6 years old?”

Do You Remember Your First Experience With Sparkling Wine? When It Was And What Kind Of Label It Was?

“Absolutely, my first encounter with sparkling wine was not about the label but the magic in the moment. It was at home with my family, enjoying Cava from a “porró” – a deeply rooted tradition that embodies the essence of our culture. That experience was more than just a taste; it was a spark that ignited my lifelong love affair with winemaking.”

How Rewarding And Challenging Is Managing Artcava?

“Managing Artcava has been an extraordinary journey filled with highs and lows. Since our founding in 2004, Artcava has been a masterclass in resilience and innovation. We’ve weathered storms like the financial crisis of 2008 and the recent Covid-19 pandemic, which almost brought us to our knees. But like a phoenix, we’re rising again, stronger and more determined. The joy of meeting wine lovers from all over the world and sharing our passion is immensely rewarding. I do miss the days of personally guiding the tours, but watching Artcava flourish and knowing we’ve created a unique experience – crafting three bottles of Cava per visitor – is beyond gratifying.”

Can You Share With Us Some More About Your Cava Workshops?

“Our “Create Your Own Cava” workshops are the heart and soul of Artcava. They offer visitors a hands-on, immersive experience that goes beyond traditional wine tasting. It’s about making memories, forming connections, and becoming part of the Artcava story. These workshops allow people to roll up their sleeves, get involved in the winemaking process, and leave with a personal connection to our brand that is truly special.”

What Future Plans Can Enthusiasts Of Artcava Look Forward To In The Coming Years?

“The future of Artcava is incredibly exciting. We are expanding our offerings to include culinary experiences and accommodation, creating a comprehensive and immersive wine tourism destination. Our goal is to make the Penedès Valley – the vineyards of Barcelona – a must-visit spot on the global wine map. We’re passionate about elevating the profile of Cava, Penedès, and Barcelona, showcasing the exceptional quality and tradition of our sparkling wines to the world.”

Can You Share With Us One Of The Most Memorable Experiences You’ve Enjoyed With A Glass of Bubbly?

“There are countless unforgettable moments I’ve enjoyed with a glass of bubbly at Artcava. Each tour is a new story, from newfound friendships and heartfelt confidences to joyous engagements and beautiful weddings. One of the most memorable experiences was a surprise wedding proposal during a tour, where the joy and love in the air were palpable. Wine has a magical way of bringing people together, and being a part of such special moments is what makes our work so extraordinary.

Additionally, as a teacher in wine tasting, winemaking, and wine marketing, crafting future experts in Penedès has been incredibly fulfilling. Sharing my knowledge and passion with the next generation of wine enthusiasts and professionals is a deeply enriching experience that adds another layer of joy to my journey.

Thank you once again for this opportunity to share my passion and the journey of Artcava with your readers. I hope they find our story as inspiring and engaging as we do.”

Thank you Eric, for sharing your story and experiences with us and we at Glass of Bubbly wish you the very best for the future!

Images belong to Eric Enguita. Glass of Bubbly was granted permission to use them.

Oliver Walkey

Champagne and Sparkling Wine Writer, Focused on Bringing the Exciting and Fascinating World of Bubbly to You.