Exporting Wines – Interview With Boris Riccardo Pautasso

5th September 2024

Interview With Boris Riccardo Pautasso

The love of sparkling wine is infinite, a language that everyone can understand, a sparkle that can shine in anyone’s glass, it can connect people, brings them together and places a smile on faces around the world.

In this exclusive feature on Glass of Bubbly, we speak with Boris Riccardo Pautasso, the Export Manager & Owner of Boris Riccardo Pautasso (BRP), let’s discover a little about his life, his journey into the industry and one of his favoiurote bubbly memories.

It’s Great To Speak With You, Boris, Can You Tell Us A Little About Yourself & How Your Journey Into The Wine Industry Began?

“Hi Oliver, It’s a real pleasure! I’ve always been passionate about wine, even as a child. After graduating, I moved to Oxford in 2014, where I worked as an export manager and sales representative for several companies. While living in the UK, I quickly realized how highly Italian wine is regarded by the British public, and I saw an opportunity: to create a bridge between the incredible wines of Italy and the international market.

Without hesitation, I enrolled in the WSET certification, studied like mad, and passed the exam. However, I soon realized that theory without practical experience loses its impact. So, I went to the wine merchant near where I worked and asked if I could help out on weekends, assisting with tastings and selling wine to customers. It was an incredible experience!”

Do You Remember Your First Experience With Sparkling Wine? When It Was And What Kind Of Label It Was?

“I was born in Piedmont, in Turin, but I spent a lot of time in the magical Langhe region. My earliest memory of wine is tied to my grandfather. He poured a tiny amount of red wine into my glass, which had just been delivered. It was red, aromatic, and intense. I took a sip and remember making a funny face—it was quite tannic for a child! I sat there for a moment with that intense finish lingering in my mouth, and then I reached for the glass again and finished the remaining drop.

As for sparkling wines, it was love at first sight! I was eight years old and attending an important evening event with my father. I remember lots of people, all dressed very elegantly. They were serving these flutes filled with chains of bubbles, and I was mesmerized. I asked my father for a sip, and he obliged. I was struck by the beautiful acidity combined with that brioche flavor, it was incredible! I told my father the wine was delicious and asked what it was. He replied that it was Champagne, a Bollinger!”

You’ve Created A New Company Called ‘Boris Riccardo Pautasso’ (BRP), What Inspired You To Create This Business And How Will It Assist The Wine Industry?

“Remember, Oliver, when I spoke to you earlier about an imaginary bridge that could connect the great Italian wines with the international market? Well, BRP is that bridge I always wanted to create. It’s the fusion of my passion for wine, my love for the global market, and an unwavering commitment to exceptional customer service.

I focus solely on top-tier producers who are eager to shake up the wine world, break through with innovation, premium packaging, sustainability, and bring the true essence of their region into the glass of the international customer.

BRP functions as an external export department for wineries, but with dedication and integration as if it were an internal part of the winery. This approach not only offers cost savings for the winery but also ensures that both the winery and the international client work with export managers who are perfectly aligned with the brand values we represent.”

Can You Speak Towards The Export Market Of Italian Sparkling Wines, The Current Trends And Top Export Markets Around The World?

“Certainly, the United States and Canada are proving to be highly rewarding markets for Italian wine exports. Both are increasingly shifting towards the premium segment and lesser-known producers. The United Kingdom remains a great admirer of Italian wine; it’s a challenging and competitive market, which is why I spend a lot of time there, physical presence is highly valued.

I would particularly highlight India, which is becoming an increasingly interesting market for Italian wineries. This is due to a cultural shift, with more and more consumers moving away from beer or spirits in favor of a good bottle of wine. The rise in disposable income has played a significant role, along with the efforts of importers and export managers who have successfully educated consumers about the world of wine.”

When It Comes To Pairing Your Sparkling Wine With Food, Do You Have Any Favourite Combinations That You Would Personally Recommend?

“I consider sparkling wines the best option for pairing with food for several reasons: they are incredibly versatile. A brut nature, for example, can pair beautifully with a fish carpaccio, while a Champagne with Pinot Meunier can even be daringly paired with white meats. Not all sparkling wines are the same, so you can use a dinner as an opportunity to explore the vastness and greatness of this category. They offer the possibility of creating amazing, iconic pairings that can accompany you from appetizers all the way to dessert.

Personally, one pairing that never fails for me is beef tartare and Champagne!”

If You Could Choose A Person In The World, Past Or Present, To Have A Glass of Bubbly With; Who Would It Be And Why? What Would You Drink And Why? What Would You Discuss?

“This is a tough question because there are at least three people who come to mind that I’d love to share this experience with. I would say David Landes, who was a professor of economic history at Harvard. He wrote one of my favorite books, Dynasties, which has often helped me develop long and detailed reflections. I would definitely pour a glass of Philipponnat Royal Réserve Brut while discussing the economic history of the 19th century.”

Can You Share With Us One Of The Most Memorable Experiences You’ve Enjoyed With A Glass of Bubbly?

“I remember a dinner with my wife; it was spring, and our table was outdoors in this fantastic garden overlooking a river. We were drinking a bottle of Pertois-Moriset! I remember that toast with her as if it were yesterday!”

Thank you Boris, for sharing your story and experiences with us and we at Glass of Bubbly wish you the very best for the future!

Images belong to Boris Riccardo Pautasso. Glass of Bubbly was granted permission to use them.

Oliver Walkey

Champagne and Sparkling Wine Writer, Focused on Bringing the Exciting and Fascinating World of Bubbly to You.