Hattingley Valley – Interview With Chris Unger

22nd August 2024

Hattingley Valley Interview With Chris Unger

There is no denying that English Sparkling Wine is on the rise, becoming an undeniable contender to Traditional Method Sparkling Wines around the world. To the English, it’s becoming a fan favourite and a go-to Glass of Bubbly, its quality is improving year on year and thanks to innovators and those willing to follow their dreams, the choice of English Sparkling Wine is expanding.

In this exclusive feature we speak with Chris Unger, the Sales and Marketing Director of Hattingley Valley, in England, let’s find out a little about his life in the English wine industry.

It’s Great To Speak With You, Chris, Can You Tell Us A Little About Yourself & Your Journey Into The Wine Industry?

“I’m pretty much a lifer when it comes to the wine industry. After a short, but fulfilling 3 year career as a Grip in the Western Australian Film and TV industry, which included working on a Jackie Chan film in Malaysia I fully committed to the wine industry as a 21 year old. My girlfriend (now wife) and I moved to Margaret River ( I grew up in Perth) to look after a friend’s dad’s vineyard, and I fell in love with wine production. Around 9 months after I started in the vineyard I signed up to do my Bachelor of Applied Science in Viticulture via correspondence, e-learning/online learning wasn’t really a thing back then. I spent the next 6 years working in vineyards and wineries in Margaret River and the Perth Hills whilst completing my degree.

In 2005 my wife and I were looking for some adventure and jumped on a plane to the UK where I hoped to get into wine sales and marketing. Somehow, I managed to get a sales role with the now-defunct Negociants UK where I stayed for 10 years. It was a great training ground for me and the company provided me with so many opportunities to get further education and learn about the industry. Some of my favourite wine memories come from this time. After Negociants UK I stayed with Australian wines and joined Rathbone Wine Group where I worked for 6 years looking after the UK and Europe for the company. In 2021 I joined Hattingley Valley and have now fully embraced the English Wine Industry, sitting on the board of WineGB and Chairing the WineGB Export Council.”

Do You Remember Your First Experience With Sparkling Wine? When It Was And What Kind Of Wine It Was?

“Ha ha, I could lie and say it was some amazing high-quality, cerebral experience, but I’m going to be honest. It was New Year’s Eve (probably 1992 or 1993) and I was with a couple of friends (one whose dad ended up being my driving instructor) the clock rang in the New Year and we popped the cork on a bottle of Seaview Brut. We all have to start somewhere I guess, but it was a fun night and if I can remember the moment, it must have had an impact on me.”

Can You Share With Us Which Country You Export The Most To And Which Country Would You Most Like To Introduce Hattingley Valley To?

“Exports are very important to Hattingley Valley and we are actively building our footprint across the globe, but Norway is our biggest export market, as it is collectively for English Wines. The Norwegian Monopoly is a very advanced retail environment, and it blows me away how established the English category is. I don’t think there is any specific market/country that I would prefer over others, ultimately I want to share our wines with as broad an audience as possible. I love it when I’m pouring my wines for people who have never tried English wines and you see the expressions of their faces change when they realise how good they are.”

How Rewarding And Challenging Is Working As The Sales and Marketing Director Of Hattingley Valley?

“I’m very privileged to have the job I do and I’m grateful to be able to work with such an amazing team of people. In my wine career, I don’t think I have ever seen the emergence of a more exciting category and that provides a huge source of motivation and energy. But there are challenges in Establishing the category, particularly a premium category and it is a long road. It takes time, old school boots on the ground, wine in glasses, and sharing our stories. The best rewards come via challenge though.”

What Future Plans Can Enthusiasts Of Hattingley Valley Look Forward To In The Coming Years?

“We will continue to evolve the quality, we are happy with the style we are making, but we will never rest when it comes to looking at how we can improve. It may be 1% here and there but collectively these improvements will hopefully produce memorable wines that people the world over come back for. At a more tangible level, we are looking at holding back some wines for museum release. I don’t think we have even got close to the different ageing potential of our wines yet, so watch this space.”

When It Comes To Pairing Sparkling Wine With Food, Do You Have Any Favourite Combinations That You Would Personally Recommend?

“This is going to sound a little cliched, but I have a weakness for Fish and Chips and I’m a big fan of Blanc de Blanc, so that’s the one I reference the most. Equally, I love pairing our Kings Cuvee which is 100% barrel fermented with a traditional Christmas Dinner. I treat the wine a little like I would a complex Chardonnay, pouring it into a big glass to let it open up and reveal all of its complexity.”

Can You Share With Us One Of The Most Memorable Experiences You’ve Enjoyed With A Glass of Bubbly?

“It would have to be Seppelts Show Reserve Sparkling Shiraz at my wedding. Post vows, my wife and I toasted with this wine, I still remember the flavours now.”

Thank you, Chris Unger, for sharing your story and experiences with us and we at Glass of Bubbly wish you the very best for the future!

Images belong to Hattingley Valley & Chris Unger. Glass of Bubbly was granted permission to use them.

Oliver Walkey

Champagne and Sparkling Wine Writer, Focused on Bringing the Exciting and Fascinating World of Bubbly to You.