Interview With A Sommelier – Filio Lekka

22nd November 2023

Interview With A Sommelier Filio Lekka

The World of Wine is beautifully showcased by an army of talented Sommeliers, who help the consumer discover their next favourite bottle, understand the different regions and pair a delicious meal with the right Glass of Bubbly.

In this feature, I speak with a woman who has helped many people to discover the vast world of Wines and Sparkling Wines, her name is Filio Lekka, let’s find out a bit about her life as a Sommelier.

Tell Us About Yourself

“Hello! I am Triantafyllia Lekka (my first name in English means Rose). I am 32 years old and a proud mother of an 8 year-old prince. I was born and raised in the east part of Attica, a suburban area next to Athens with a strong focus on agricultural production and corps raising. Of course, this is Greece, a place with more than 250 days of sunshine per year. So, like many young people, I also chose to work in the country’s heavy ‘industry’, which is Tourism and Hospitality.
In fact, I have been working for more than 13 years for Ho.Re.Ca businesses and I received my Sommelier certification from WSET (Wine & Spirit Education Trust).

Currently, I work as a Sommelier and Sales Executive for a premium wine bar – liquor store. We offer customers a fantastic gastronomic experience combining a wide selection of wine & spirits from all over the world paired with select food choices. I love to work with initiatives that promote well-being and responsible consumption. Lately, I have become passionate about sustainability and ESG matters and I am happy to share that together with my partner we are now working on a new initiative with a mission to create a more sustainable future for people, for businesses and for the natural world.”

Do You Remember Your First Experience With Sparkling Wine? When It Was And What Kind Of Wine It Was?

“My first professional experience with sparkling wine was when I was still doing the 1st level at WSET. At that time I was working at a hotel bar and one evening I had to quickly prepare ‘welcome drinks’ for distinguished guests who had just arrived. One of the drinks I had to make was Kir-Royal, a liqueur crème de cassis topped up with Prosecco. It turned out the Prosecco wasn’t cold enough…. So, as you can guess, the cork stopper exploded! I was lucky enough not to lose an eye… Yet, ever since I sure have an eye for sparkling wine. It became among my favourite choice to serve my customers and myself! It was indeed a funny experience I will never forget.”

What Inspired You To Become a Sommelier?

“During my university years, I also had a full-time job as a barista. Actually, I studied Supply Chain Management. Very quickly I realized this was not ‘my cup of tea’. Then, I decided to attend a series of workshops & seminars to educate myself on coffee and spirits and shortly after I did my Bachelor’s degree in Tourism & Hospitality Management. During that time, I was privileged enough to mix and mingle with some amazing people from the industry. I joined a team at a fantastic 5* luxury hotel and I managed to receive a scholarship to study at WSET! My view is that wine is like a human being! It is born like a baby and it matures in a fine organic way. Just like us humans do, wine travels through time! Wine has pure kindness; it has needs and feelings we should respect. Then, it returns kindness and feelings to us. This is a fantastic balance of give and take we humans share with wine.”

During Your Time As A Sommelier, What’s The Most Surprising & Interesting Thing You’ve Learnt?

“First, you never stop learning new things, acquire fresh knowledge and develop new techniques! You learn as long and as much as you wish to learn.
I call this ‘One life is not enough to travel, to taste, to learn’.”

What Advice Would You Give An Inspiring Sommelier?

“If you really want to be a Sommelier, then simply go for it. Only please be prepared: The role of a Sommelier is not just what you see…there is much more ‘behind the scenes’. You have to study a lot, to taste a lot, and to repeat…study and and taste. You even have to travel all around the world… I like to call this place: ‘The Wine Neverland’ and while you will be doing all the above, you have to keep in mind that what you sell is not wine, what you sell is not your knowledge. You actually sell people’s well-being, you actually sell gastronomic experiences and unique moments. At the end of the day, wine, knowledge and your smile are the only vehicles you need!”

If You Sat Down For A Quiet Dinner, What Dish And Sparkling Wine Would You Choose To Enjoy Together?

“If I were to choose a dish and a sparkling wine to enjoy during a quiet dinner, I would go for oysters and Champagne. An all-time classic. I would choose Champagne Pierre Gimonnet & Fils Oenophile 2008. Oysters are known for their delicate briny flavors and Champagne’s crisp acidity and effervescence make it an excellent companion! The combination creates a harmonious balance and enhances the overall dining experience! Ultimately, I suggest people should try new things and experiment. Only by trial and failure, someone can discover new and amazing combinations!

I can’t think of a drinking product older in human history than wine. Wine has made it through centuries and this creates a very strong sense of responsibility for all professionals involved in the business, one way or another. Sommelier professionals are the connecting point between the science of production and the end customer. Our role is very very important in the value chain and as part of this chain, we have to remain ethical and maintain specific principles.

My main principle is that well-being comes not only by choosing the right pair of drinks and dishes. It comes by drinking – eating responsibly and keeping a strong eye on relative sustainability matters connected to the well-being of our planet.

So, dear friends Sommelier and wine professionals, our job nowadays is to tell amazing wine stories, while we are suggesting interesting pairings, that promote the well-being of our customers and our general natural environment.

Cheers or “yia mas” as we say in Greece!”

Thank you, Filio, for sharing your words, knowledge and experiences with us and we at Glass of Bubbly wish you the very best for the future!

Images belong to Filio Lekka. Glass of Bubbly was granted permission, to use them.

Oliver Walkey

Champagne and Sparkling Wine Writer, Focused on Bringing the Exciting and Fascinating World of Bubbly to You.