Iron Horse Vineyards – Interview With Joy Sterling

13th August 2024

Iron Horse Vineyards Interview With Joy Sterling

Welcome to the land of the free! Traveling out to the United States of America, we find our selves in the state of California, visiting Joy Sterling, the Partner & CEO, of Iron Horse Vineyards. In this exclusive feature on Glass of Bubbly, we’ll discover a little about her life, her journey into the industry and one of her favourite bubbly memories.

Tell Us A Little About Yourself & How Your Incredible Journey Into The Wine Industry Began?

“I am very proud to represent the second generation at Iron Horse Vineyards. I have the honor of being the CEO of the winery. My brother Laurence Sterling manages the vineyards. Our parents founded Iron Horse in 1976.

I attended Yale University (’75) where I studied history and economics. I went into journalism and at 29 was Deputy Bureau Chief for ABC Network News in Los Angeles.

In 1985, I left ABC’s hierarchy to join my family’s business. We made headlines that November when the White House selected Iron Horse Sparkling Wine for Ronald Reagan’s toast to peace at the first summit meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev in Geneva. Iron Horse has now been served by seven consecutive presidential administrations … and counting.”

Do You Remember Your First Experience with Sparkling Wine? When It Was and What Kind of Label It Was?

“My first experience with Sparkling Wine was when my family moved to France in 1967 and we immediately adopted the French custom of offering Champagne as a welcoming gesture to guests visiting our home, be it morning, noon, or night.”

How Rewarding and Challenging Is Managing Your Own Winery?

“Living on this breathtakingly beautiful vineyard and working alongside an exceptional team, it is incredibly fulfilling that our wines are enjoyed to commemorate both grand and intimate occasions. It is very gratifying to be a part of people’s special moments through our wines.

Of course, all agriculture is a challenge. We are estate bottled, so for each vintage we renew our commitment to cultivating the finest wine grapes possible. The foundation of our belief system is that Iron Horse yields unique and delicious flavors. As farmers, we must be nimble.”

When It Comes to Pairing Your Sparkling Wine with Food, Do You Have Any Favorite Combinations That You Would Personally Recommend?

“Bubbly and sushi! It’s the umami factor.

If You Could Choose A Person In The World, Past Or Present, To Have A Glass of Bubbly With; Who Would It Be And Why? What Would You Drink and Why? What Would You Discuss and Why?

Napoleon. Especially if he would saber the bottle with his sword.”

What Future Plans Can Enthusiasts of Iron Horse Vineyards Look Forward to In The Coming Years?

“I am very excited about 2026. It will be a momentous year as we commemorate the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, celebrate our 50th anniversary at Iron Horse, and my mother’s 95th birthday year. We will release a special cuvee called the Spirit of 76.”

Can You Share with Us One of The Most Memorable Experiences You’ve Enjoyed with A Glass of Bubbly?

“One of the most memorable experiences was at the State Department luncheon honoring Xi Jin Ping in 2012. The toasting wine was our Year of the Dragon Cuvée. I was lucky enough to get to be there. It was a privilege to be present and witness such a momentous event.”

Thank you Joy, for sharing your story and experiences with us and we at Glass of Bubbly wish you the very best for the future!

Images belong to Joy Sterling. Glass of Bubbly was granted permission to use them.

Oliver Walkey

Champagne and Sparkling Wine Writer, Focused on Bringing the Exciting and Fascinating World of Bubbly to You.