My Profile
Christopher Walkey
Co-founder of Glass of Bubbly. Journalist and author focused on Champagne & Sparkling Wines and pairing them with foods.
Champagne Roger Brun - La Pelle 2012 - Gold Gastronomic
Champagne Laurent Lequart - Blanc de Meunier Brut Nature - Gold Gastronomic
Martini range of sparkling wines: Asti, Rosé and Prosecco DOC
Čarga | Since 1767 - Donna Regina Extra Brut 2009 - Gold Meditation
Maso Martis Azienda Biologica - Dosaggio Zero Riserva - Gold Meditation
Zonin1821 - Bracchetto - Gold Dessert
Schroeder - Deseado - Gold Dessert
Fox & Fox - Expression Rosé Saignée 2013 - Trophy Love or Hate
Zlati Grič - Konjiška Rosé - Trophy First Date
Vinakoper - Capris Refošk - Trophy Fruity & Floral