Rathfinny – Interview With Tony Milanowski

23rd July 2024

Rathfinny Interview With Tony Milanowski

English Sparkling Wine is on the rise, becoming an undeniable contender to Traditional Method Sparkling around the world. To the English, it’s becoming a fan favourite and a go-to Glass of Bubbly, its quality is improving year on year and thanks to innovators and those willing to follow their dreams, the choice of English Sparkling Wine is expanding.

In this exclusive feature we speak with Tony Milanowski, the Winery Manager at Rathfinny Wine Estate, in East Sussex, England, let’s find out a little about his life in the English wine industry.

It’s Great To Speak With You, Tony, Can You Tell Us A Little About Yourself & Your Incredible Journey Into The Wine Industry?

“Born and raised in the Adelaide Hills, we, like all South Australians, enjoyed our weekends going to the wineries of Mclaren Vale, Barossa and Clare Valleys.

After completing a chemical engineering degree, petrochemical processing or pyrometallurgy options were no longer exciting. After a belated gap year in the Australian Alps and the beaches of Western Australia, I returned to do a graduate Diploma in Oenology at Roseworthy/Waite. On graduation, I joined the BRL Hardy (now Accolade) for vintages in Berri, Renmark and Sicily. I then moved to the remote Coonawarra region to work for Katnook Estate.

With the arrival of our first child, my wife and I decided to see the world and relocated first to Abruzzo, Italy, and then to the UK, where I taught winemaking at Plumpton College. During the next 12 years, I saw the English and Welsh wine industries evolve to become the dynamic industry we have today. When Plumpton alumni Mark Driver contacted me in 2019, offering a job to manage the winery at Rathfinny Estate, I jumped at the chance to work in the best wine estate in the UK.”

Do You Remember Your First Experience With Sparkling Wine? When It Was And What Kind Of Label It Was?

“The first standout sparkling wine I had was an order of Rockford Black Shiraz, which is made from old Barossa Shiraz vines. The winery is very low-tech, and Rocky O’Callaghan, the iconic winemaker, coaxes out brilliant wines, and their sparkling red is no exception. Complex, serious, great with food, and for celebrations, this is everything a sparkling wine can be.”

How Rewarding And Challenging Is Managing An English Winery?

“Making high-quality wine is always a challenge no matter where you are in the world, but the key is always great flavoured fruit that is respectfully handled in the winery. Weather, logistics, and global event all have their part to play in making that task difficult, but if you have a great team and sound resources, you can achieve world-class results. So it’s great to work with my excellent winery team, who all share a vision for making the best wines we can.”

What Part Of The Wine Making Process Do You Enjoy The Most?

“Every part of traditional winemaking is essential to get right, but vintage remains equally the most enjoyable and challenging. Long hours, lots of cleaning, but also great camaraderie and the satisfaction of being part of all the grapes getting turned into wine. It’s a feast for the senses: the beautiful-looking fruit, the amazing smells, the refreshing acid and sweetness and all the sounds of machinery and cellar tunes.”

How Do You See The Future Trend Of Vintage English Bubbly? Do You Foresee The Likes Of An Oenothèque Range Or Demand For Long Lees-Aged English Sparkling Wines?

“The English wine industry can develop in so many ways. Long lees ageing and other library wines are definitely an important option, but there is potential for lower-pressure sparkling (think Saten from Franciacorta), different ferment vessels, obviously oak, but also terracotta, ceramics, concrete, plastic, and even glass.”

Can You Share With Us One Of The Most Memorable Experiences You’ve Enjoyed With A Glass of Bubbly?

“While walking around the pretty village of Trani in Puglia one bright sunny morning just before Easter, the whole family stopped at a waterside café mid-morning. The kids had Gelato, and my wife and I indulged in a lovely fruity Prosecco. It was a moment of sheer bliss, and suitably rejuvenated, we all continued the sightseeing with a pep in our step.”

Thank you Tony, for sharing your story and experiences with us and we at Glass of Bubbly wish you the very best for the future!

Images belong to Rathfinny. Glass of Bubbly was granted permission to use them.

Oliver Walkey

Champagne and Sparkling Wine Writer, Focused on Bringing the Exciting and Fascinating World of Bubbly to You.