Schumacher Knepper – Interview With Martine Schumacher

19th July 2024

Schumacher Knepper Interview With Martine Schumacher

Exploring the Sparkling Wine world will take you to every corner of the globe, there is so much to explore and taste, it would take several lifetimes to experience everything, but it is our mission here at Glass of Bubbly to highlight every country, region and bubbly producer, along with the incredible people making it all possible.

In this exclusive feature on Glass of Bubbly we travel to Luxembourg, visiting Schumacher Knepper, to speak with Martine Schumacher, the Owner of Schumacher Knepper, let’s discover a little about her life, her journey in the industry and one of her most memorable bubbly memories.

It’s Great To Speak With You, Martine, Can You Tell Us A Little About Yourself & How Your Incredible Journey Into The Wine Industry Began?

“I was born into the family winery, where our family has grown wine since 1714. So, since I was a kid, winemaking was part of my life. The winery was kind of a huge playground for me, my sister and my brother. Our parents encouraged us to make our own choices in life and so I decided to study commercial sciences. It was only when our father and uncle raised the question of the winery’s future, that I realized how anchored I was in this family legacy. After my brother’s oenology studies, we took over the winery together.”

Do You Remember Your First Experience With Sparkling Wine? When It Was And What Kind Of Label It Was?

“Yes, a friend of mine celebrated his 18th birthday and served a sparkling wine in a classic coupe. I was 15 and I remember this special moment with a couple of friends in his living room. I don’t remember the label, but it surely was a Champagne. The Luxemburgish Crémant success story only began in 1990. Our family’s first Crémant ‘Alexandre de Musset’ was born in 1995.”

How Rewarding And Challenging Is Managing Your Own Winery?

“Being part of the whole winemaking process from grape to wine is amazing. Discovering every year the new vintage with its own characteristics and personality always provides a deep satisfaction on the one hand and gives new impulses of improvement for the next vintage on the other.

Managing your own winery allows you to make your own decisions, like trying new varieties or new wine styles. You are free to be guided by your passion.”

When It Comes To Pairing Your Sparkling Wine With Food, Do You Have Any Favourite Combinations That You Would Personally Recommend?

“One of our customers once said. “I don’t need food to enjoy wine”. In Luxembourg, Crémant has seen fulminant success since the 90th. The “Kippchen” (Luxemburgish word for a small Coupe) of Crémant has become part of the culinary culture and is enjoyed with friends and families at home and on local festivities.”

If You Could Choose A Person In The World, Past Or Present, To Have A Glass of Bubbly With; Who Would It Be And Why? What Would You Drink And Why? What Would You Discuss And Why?

“I would love to share another glass of Crémant with my deceased father. I miss the Saturday mornings when he came to our winery’s tasting room, and we shared a moment of our time. We discussed the latest news, laughed at funny stories, and made new plans.

I am sure he would appreciate a glass of our “Cuvée 1714”. This festive Cuvée of Blanc de Noirs is only released every 10 years and honours the 10 generations of our family that have passed on the passion for wine to us.”

Can You Share With Us Some Of The Countries And Locations Around The World That You Can Enjoy A Glass Of Schumacher Knepper?

“Due to the small size of our winery, only a small percentage of our wines are exported.

Nevertheless, our wines are appreciated in Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Sweden. One highlight this year: some of our wines have made their way to Senegal.”

What Future Plans Can Enthusiasts Of Schumacher Knepper Look Forward To In The Coming Years?

“Our son Max has passed his A-levels and plans to study oenology in Spain, a country known for its fantastic red wines. The wine future in Luxembourg will be red. With the first “exotic” variety, the South African Pinotage planted a few years ago, we have made the first steps to face future climate changes.”

Can You Share With Us One Of The Most Memorable Experiences You’ve Enjoyed With A Glass of Bubbly?

“For the millennium celebrations at midnight, my husband and I had planned to open the first bottle of Crémant with some friends on the Luxembourg Viaduct under the big millennium firework. Due to a traffic jam, our friends didn’t make it on time to the appointment. So, we decided to open the bottle and pour out two glasses of bubbles.

Right beside us, a homeless man was also looking at the fireworks. We spontaneously offered him a glass of our Crémant and celebrated this special moment together with him. I never saw him again, but sharing this moment with him was very memorable.”

Thank you, Martine, for sharing your story and experiences with us and we at Glass of Bubbly wish you the very best for the future!

Images belong to Schumacher Knepper. Glass of Bubbly was granted permission to use them.

Oliver Walkey

Champagne and Sparkling Wine Writer, Focused on Bringing the Exciting and Fascinating World of Bubbly to You.