Sea Change Wine – Interview With Liv Dawson

16th August 2024

Sea Change Interview With Liv Dawson

The love for Sparkling Wine is infinite, a language that everyone can understand, a sparkle that can shine in anyone’s glass, it can connect people, bring them together and place a smile on faces around the world.

In this exclusive feature on Glass of Bubbly, we speak with Liv Dawson, in charge of Sales & Sustainability, at Sea Change Wine, let’s discover a little about her life, her journey into the industry and one of her favourite Champagne memories.

It’s Great To Speak With You, Liv, Can You Tell Us A Little About Yourself & How Your Incredible Journey Into The Wine Industry Began?

“I studied Environment and Business at the University of Leeds. Part of my course involved a year in industry and at the time I was working at an independent restaurant in the city which stocked Sea Change Wine. I loved the brand and what it stood for, so I got in contact with the team to ask if I could do a project on the company. I discussed the possibility of getting Sea Change stocked in my university bar, and within a few weeks, I was successful. Sea Change was impressed with my initiative and offered me a year with them for my industrial placement. That went really well so I stayed on part time for the remainder of my time studying and today I’m a full-time member of the team!”

Do You Remember Your First Experience With Sparkling Wine? When It Was And What Kind Of Label It Was?

“Yes – I visited Terlingham Vineyard in Kent shortly after the pandemic restrictions were lifted and was really impressed with their classic cuvée. I grew up near Dover, where the chalk terroir offers perfect growing conditions for sparkling wines. I was definitely spoilt for choice with all the local boutique vineyards in the area when I started to get interested in wine!”

How Rewarding And Challenging Is Producing Ethically Sourced Eco-Friendly Wines?

“It’s certainly more complex, as we want to make sure we’re dealing with wineries that have the same ethos as us. We have a supplier charter that we ask our partners to sign up to which covers ethical and social policies as well as environmental ones.

The extra work is worth it, however, as it means we’re working alongside people who share our outlook and want to make a real difference.”

When It Comes To Pairing Your Sparkling Wine With Food, Do You Have Any Favourite Combinations That You Would Personally Recommend?

“I love sushi and Sea Change Prosecco, it really matches the textures and flavours in a wide range of dishes. As it is light and delicate it doesn’t overpower anything, and the bubbles cleanse your palate. If you’re a fan of sashimi, our Prosecco Rosé is a fantastic pairing!”

You Do A Lot Of Outstanding Work With Charities Around The World, Can Share With Us Some Of The Achievements You’ve Helped Accomplish?

“Earlier this year we reached €500,000 in donations to our charity partners. There are only 12 of us so we’re really proud of this achievement! The charities we work with undertake a range of activities all related to protecting and promoting our ocean across the world. Ocean Generation is our global partner, and it was set up by Jo Ruxton MBE who produced the iconic documentary ‘A Plastic Ocean’. Ocean Generation focuses on education, tackling ocean threats via science and storytelling. Our UK charity is Sea-Changers, who give grants to UK marine charities and non-profits for conservation and research projects.

We also support The Olive Ridley Project, who rescue and rehabilitate sea turtles and their habitats and operate two veterinary facilities in the Maldives.

What’s fantastic to see is that all our charity partners are growing alongside us. The issue of plastic pollution isn’t going anywhere soon, sadly, but we firmly believe that together, small actions can have a big impact.”

Can You Share With Us Some Of The Countries And Locations Around The World That You Can Enjoy A Glass or Can Of Sea Change?

“We’re stocked in a wide range of venues across the UK, from pubs and bars to hotels, cafés, and independent stores. We’re available online for home delivery at We’re also stocked by a range of venues in the UAE, Singapore, Maldives, Zanzibar, North America and Hong Kong.”

What Future Plans Can Enthusiasts Of Sea Change Look Forward To In The Coming Years?

“We’re always reviewing our range, keeping an eye on market trends and listening to customer demand and feedback. We’ve already added a 0% sparkling to our range, Sea Change Free, which is made by a Prosecco maker in Veneto and is innovative in its production method to retain its provenance and taste. While we knew it was a great addition to the range, I think we’ve all been a bit surprised by how popular it is. We have another new variety joining the range this summer (watch this space!).

In terms of our impact, we have a €1 million donation milestone firmly in our sights and would love to reach this in the next year or so.

We’ve also started our carbon reduction journey and our full emissions calculations, including Scope 3, will be completed this year. We’re committed to achieving high impact carbon reductions while maintaining the exceptional quality of our wines.”

Can You Share With Us One Of The Most Memorable Experiences You’ve Enjoyed With A Glass of Bubbly?

“As someone who is at the start of their wine journey, mine is a recent one – enjoying a glass of bubbly with family and friends at my graduation!”

Thank you Liv, for sharing your story and experiences with us and we at Glass of Bubbly wish you the very best for the future!

Images belong to Liv Dawson & Sea Change. Glass of Bubbly was granted permission to use them.

Oliver Walkey

Champagne and Sparkling Wine Writer, Focused on Bringing the Exciting and Fascinating World of Bubbly to You.