Buena Vista La Victoire Champagne

There are a number of French Champagne producers who have operations in California, such as Roederer (whose California wine I prefer over the French, and it’s half the price). But here’s a twist: a California winery with a genuine French champagne. And this isn’t just any winery; Buena Vista is the second oldest in the…

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Champagne Truths and Myths

Champagne Truths and Myths

Champagne. Nine letters, two syllables, a region, a name, a wine and a passion… There is something quite special about Champagne. Be it seen as a luxury, an aspiration, a celebration, a tasting experience, a hobby and for many, the benchmark. With some 34,300 hectares of vineyards, the Champagne region holds around 15,000 growers in…

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