The Perfect Sparkling Wines For An Open House

When visiting an open house, the retailer or estate agent’s aim is to portray the property in the perfect light, to convince the buyer that the house in which they are standing, is to become their new dream home. Sometimes, just like a show home, the property is well furnished, looks pristine and entices you…

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What Champagne To Serve At A Dinner Party

Guests for Champagne, Cigar and Ratafia Champenois tastings

𝄞 Ding Dong 𝄞 Your first guest has just arrived and is waiting to be let in, the table is set, soft music is playing in the background and you’re dressed ready to impress, but you quickly remember, that you haven’t placed a bottle of Champagne on chill. A real nightmare situation, I know, but…

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Risotto and Champagne

Combining the pleasures of the Italian creation of Risotto and France’s creation of Champagne, will there be a rivalry between them or will they work together for your benefit? This article contains, a recipe for Risotto, some interesting facts about Risotto and a brief history of a family-run Champagne label, so keep on reading, you…

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Champagne and Caviar

A pairing fit for royalty, although the image of Champagne and Caviar can come at a high price, it was mainly royalty who used to enjoy Caviar, back in the middle ages only the rich and powerful would delight in the delicious sea treat, it later became so overly collected that a huge shortage came…

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