Champagne, Cheese and Chutney – The Perfect Cheese Pairing

Can you image a finer pairing to enjoy on a hot summer’s day than Champagne, Cheese and Chutney, the bubbles rising to the top of the glass, the creamy cheese sticking to your knife and the sweet an array of flavorsome chutney finishing off the experience. Talk about a mesmerizing display, the worlds of Champagne,…

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Can You Pair Champagne With Quiche?

If you’re in a hurry, I’ll be quick to answer the question, “YES”, you can pair Champagne with Quiche, and it pairs pretty well, the soft fluffy texture of the Quiche allows the Champagne to combine itself with the flavours, if you want to find out more, you’ll have to keep reading. Champagne is of…

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