Christmas Cocktails – Klaus

Klaus: A true selfless act always sparks another. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, Christmas is soon approaching and Glass of Bubbly is crafting a whole new exciting range of Christmas Cocktails, we’ve chosen some of the best Christmas films and created a perfect Cocktail to accompany them, working alongside different wineries and…

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Sparkling Honey Margarita Cocktail

A new take on the Classic Margarita, adding some fizz and an array of luscious honey, changing the profile into a more delicate and elegant showcase, without compromising on what makes the Margarita so great in the first place. Grab your Tequila, lick some salt and suck on a lime, it’s time to get busy,…

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Charred Cork Cocktail

68% of all cork is produced for wine bottle stoppers. Cork has been used to seal wine bottles since the 6th century BC, in Tuscany, the Romans used corks to seal amphorae and barrels that contained wine, they did also use olive oil to cover the surface of the wine in amphorae which prevented oxidation,…

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