Have you tried Red Sparkling Wine?

Have you tried Red Sparkling Wine Vina Kobal

When it comes to still wines then both red and white would be the most popular styles in our minds and experiences with rosé not too far behind. Though, if we add bubbles to our wines then our thought process changes and we are strictly familiar with white and rosé, but fizzy reds??? Many times…

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Cooperative Wine Cellar Slovenia – Hiša vin Emino

Emino Slovenia Sparkling Wines

On the far east side, sat at the border of Croatia, you will find the municipality of Podčetrtek… Also there, making a name for themselves in the world of sparkling wine, the cooperative wine cellar of Hiša vin Emino will be found. Set within the wine growing region of Šmarje-Virštanj, which boasts fantastic wine trails…

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