Weingut Peth Wetz – Interview With Christian Peth

15th August 2024

Weingut Peth Wetz Interview With Christian Peth

Exploring the Sparkling Wine world will take you to every corner of the globe, there is so much to explore and taste, it would take several lifetimes to experience everything, but it is our mission here at Glass of Bubbly to highlight every country, region and bubbly producer, along with the incredible people making it all possible.

In this exclusive feature on Glass of Bubbly, we travel to Germany, visiting Weingut Peth Wetz, to speak with Christian Peth, the Owner of Weingut Peth Wetz, let’s discover a little about his life, journey in the industry and one of his most memorable bubbly memories.

It’s Great To Speak With You, Christian, Can You Tell Us A Little About Yourself & How Your Incredible Journey Into The Wine Industry Began?

“Hi Oliver, thank you for the interview – I will be happy to answer your questions. My Journey in the wine industry began probably at the moment I was born. My parents owned a bulk wine winery in Rheinhessen. As far as I can think back, I have been in the vineyards when I grew up. But it has not been my plan to take over this family business. There had been a bad financial situation, and I did not want to start my life like that. Studying chemistry was my intention after finishing school. But a Doku about a successful German Vintner changed my mind and I started a vintner training at this winery.

After that vintner training, I decided to take a job in the wine industry. So, I worked for some time in Long Island/USA. Coming back from there I was fully motivated and convinced of staying in the wine industry. So, I studied winemaking in Geisenheim. Besides I started having my first experiences making wine in my family’s winery. But still not with the intention of taking that business over. After finishing university, I spent more time making wine in different countries. I have been working another time in the US, in Chile as well as in Australia.

Fully inspired by all those great wineries and people I decided to stay in my family’s winery, growing and selling my own wines. I stopped focusing on the typical German varieties. We planted all the Bordeaux varieties (Cab Sauv., Cab Franc, Merlot, Petit Verdot, Malbec & Carménère) over here as well as Sauvignon Blanc and Chenin Blanc. The varieties I fell in love with during my time overseas. We started maturing a lot of our wines in French oak and focused on good German red wine (sounds paradox, but it is possible 😊). I did not realize how unique this was for the first couple of years. Indeed someone had to tell me my own story. You can find that story today on our website, in our design and even more in our wines.”

Do You Remember Your First Experience With Sparkling Wine? When It Was And What Kind Of Label It Was?

“Indeed I do. My first memorable experience was creating my own sparkling wine. Internationally inspired, just back in the family winery, I decided to blend the classical Champagne varieties Pinot Noir & Chardonnay. But I did not know and did not think about the German wine law. That forbids you to blend white and red wine…(and a white pressed Pinot Noir is still considered to be a red wine). Can you imagine how I felt when a wine inspector told me that this was illegal? I was just about to retire at the age of 25 and drink those 2.000 bottles on my own. A friend of mine helped me and we argued that sparkling wine (Sekt) is not wine. In the end, I was allowed to sell my first sparkling wine legally and I neither have drunk those 2.000 bottles nor retired yet…”

How Rewarding And Challenging Is Managing Your Own Winery?

“It is definitely challenging. Growing and making wine can be physically exhausting. I remember lots of vintages and nights without sleep and just working through the nights. Besides I had to sell my wines (and I am a really bad salesperson). On all that nature is the boss and there is always a risk of losing your crop.

Today it is much easier for me. There is still a risk of a hailstorm or frost but Peth-Wetz changed from a one man show to a medium sized winery with a great team supporting and working with me. Making outstanding wines year by year is still my aim. And when there are people coming to you because of your wines that is my greatest reward.”

When It Comes To Pairing Your Sparkling Wine With Food, Do You Have Any Favourite Combinations That You Would Personally Recommend?

“You can combine sparkling wine with a wide range of food. It does not always have to be oysters, caviar or foie gras (not my favourites). I would recommend trying something different, I love it with sushi.”

If You Could Choose A Person In The World, Past Or Present, To Have A Glass of Bubbly With; Who Would It Be And Why? What Would You Drink And Why? What Would You Discuss And Why?

“I will choose my wife – I know I could have a glass of sparkling with her almost every day – but she is the one who brought the biggest change into my life and also into the winery. Without Maja, many things would not have happened in my life, so she is the one I want to say cheers to!”

Can You Share With Us Some Of The Countries And Locations Around The World That You Can Enjoy A Glass Of Weingut Peth Wetz?

“England has been our first market outside Europe. Lovely to see British people love our Rieslings and Pinot Noir. I think we started exporting just 8 years ago. But since then, our wines opened up a lot of markets and countries. Today you will find our wines in Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Czech Republic and Poland.”

What Future Plans Can Enthusiasts Of Weingut Peth Wetz Look Forward To In The Coming Years?

“About 7 years ago we changed our production method to organic in our vineyards. The last vintage,2023, has been the first vintage Peth-Wetz decided to also be certified organic in our winemaking process. Not a big step at all, but for us a big step since documentation is not one of my favorite jobs, but we managed that after 7 years…

Nowadays we are planning to change our production method to biodynamic. Besides, we are planting some fungus resistant varieties to reduce fungicides furthermore.”

Can You Share With Us One Of The Most Memorable Experiences You’ve Enjoyed With A Glass of Bubbly?

“20 years ago, I worked for one year with Takuan von Arnim (Haute Cabriere, ZA). Since then, we never lost contact. Meeting him in South Africa and seeing him doing the sabrage stayed in my mind. Such an outstanding person with a great portfolio of sparkling wines – I recommend everyone to visit the winery and drink his Bubbly.”

Thank you Christian, for sharing your story and experiences with us and we at Glass of Bubbly wish you the very best for the future!

Images belong to Weingut Peth Wetz. Glass of Bubbly was granted permission to use them.

Oliver Walkey

Champagne and Sparkling Wine Writer, Focused on Bringing the Exciting and Fascinating World of Bubbly to You.