Member Directory

WSET-certified wine educator with a passion for storytelling and a knack for making the world of wine approachable and fun. When she’s not writing, she’s busy hosting tastings, leading courses, and offering consultancy to help others discover the joy of wine.

Passionate about wine and capturing the stories of people who make wine each week in The Wine Write.

Wine professional with over 20 years experience ranging from Chateau Margaux in Bordeaux to Selfridges wine department in London. With degrees in both Chemical Technology and Psychology along with a Sommelier Scholl Diploma.

Sparkling wine lover. Champagne specialist, wine educator and wine writer from Brazil. Currently a Diploma WSET candidate.

Wine communicator and TV presenter of ‘The A-Z of Wine with Shehnaz’ the TV series showcasing wine and wine travel. Avid wine traveller, visiting close to 700 vineyards across five continents. Italian and Spanish Wine Scholar, WSET 3

Works at Vino Wines in Edinburgh and writes a travel and wine blog called The Narrow Corner.

Idaho-based wine professional connecting the next generation of wine drinkers with fresh, engaging wine experiences.

Writing about gastronomy and wines since 1998, founding notable projects in these fields. He is a member of various judging panels, a media producer, and a columnist, having contributed to projects in Portugal's leading media outlets. He is also the founder of, an editorial site that has been a prominent reference in Portugal for 17 years.

With a great passion for wines and solid experience in the commercial
side of the industry, he possess a deep knowledge and a comprehensive
view of the world of wines. Over the years, he has accumulated
valuable experiences that allow him to understand both the market and
the consumer experience in the contemporary Portuguese wine industry.