Halloween Cocktails – Blade

Blade: I’m Not Human We’re back from the dead, crafting a whole new exciting range of Halloween Cocktails, we’ve chosen some of the best Halloween films or video games and created a perfect Cocktail to accompany them, working alongside different wineries and distilleries, I’ll give you a little history into each film and the know-how…

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What Juices To Use In Your Cocktail

There are over a million possible combinations of different ingredients, flavours and liquids you could find in a Cocktail, something as simple as modifying the amount of alcohol you use can change the flavours. You can dedicate your whole life to the Cocktail world and still never experience it all. I could go on forever…

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Vodka and Champagne Cocktail

Global demand for Vodka is projected to rise at a rate of 6.2% over the next six years, this is partly thanks to the rise in Vodka Cocktails and Premium Vodka’s, Dima’s believes that this will be the year of the Craft Vodka, let’s hope they’re correct. Vodka in Cocktails is mostly seen as an…

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