Slovenian Wine

Slovenia’s Wine Story dates back somewhere between the 5th and 4th century BC, predating any influence from the Romans and can be traced all the way to the Celtic and Illyrian tribes who cultivated vines for wine production. Slovenia also houses the World’s Oldest Vine, planted over 450 years ago, at the end of the…

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The Best Sparkling Wine for Sardines

The Best Wine for Sardines

As per usual, I am tasked with popping to the local supermarket to pick up some bread and milk and yet I come back with several bags full of foods and a receipt as long as your arm – “You were only meant to get two things” was the exasperated words thrown at me as…

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In the heart of the Goriška Brda: Bjana Winery

Goriska Brda Bjana Winery

“The rolling hills, the many remote, untouched villages and their communities, the blanket of vineyards over the lush green land… Goriška Brda.” The Slovenian wine scene is a very exciting one for me. Most of this bubbling up energy for their wines I have is because so few others are familiar with them which enables…

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