Search Results: Slovenia

What’s in a Sparkling Wine Name?

By Oliver Walkey / 17th June 2020

There are few Sparkling Wines that put names on their labels, so when you find one that matches your name, you are automatically going to want to taste it. These bottles can come from all over the world, for example, Jordan has come here from Austria, Claudia has traveled all the way from South Africa…

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Scallops & Carrot Purée With a Glass of Medot

By Oliver Walkey / 4th June 2020

Creating a Fine Dining experience at home can be a great way to enjoy a date night with your lockdown partner. If you want to create a wholesome fine dining experience then you are going to want to start with a starter, something delicious but not filling to start off your tastebuds. Picking a Fine…

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A Sparkling Wine For Every Season

By Oliver Walkey / 3rd June 2020

Every season brings a new atmosphere, with one making you want to spend as much time outside soaking in the sun, with an ice lolly in hand, where another will make you want to snuggle up indoors next to an open fire reading a good book with a glass of Sparkling Red Wine in hand,…

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5 Conversation Stealing Sparkling Wines

By Oliver Walkey / 1st June 2020

Wouldn’t it be great if, when hosting your next dinner party, you whip out a bottle of Sparkling Wine that no one has tried before, a Sparkling Wine that will keep people thinking about it and desperately wanting another glass, well here is my list of Sparkling Wines that I think will do the trick.…

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What is a Great Champagne for a First Date?

By Oliver Walkey / 28th May 2020

Picking the right Champagne or Sparkling Wine can be a bit tricky, that’s if you want to find the right one, it’ll be up to you when you want to pop the cork on your bottle of bubbly. Glass of Bubbly has made it easier to pick out the perfect bottle to enjoy on your…

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Cooking with Red Sparkling Wines

Can you Cook with Red Sparkling Wine?

By Christopher Walkey / 22nd May 2020

Don’t we all love the idea of cooking with wine? I’m sure that most of us can put our hands up and say that at least once when we have poured some wine into a dish we are cooking with only the last few drops of a bottle because we’ve been enjoying it whilst preparing…

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The best wine for Camembert is Prosecco

Which is the best Sparkling Wine to go with Creamy Cheese?

By Christopher Walkey / 21st May 2020

One of the most popular pairings for wine, almost any style of wine, will have to be cheese. The variety of flavours that both wines and cheese hold gives us a near infinite pairing combination to explore. There are dry, strong, creamy, fruity, spicy, sweet, herbal and much more in both wine and cheese tasting…

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100 Award Winning Sparkling Wines that should be on your Wine Menu

100 Award Winning Sparkling Wines that should be on your Wine Menu

By Christopher Walkey / 20th May 2020

I have not tasted each and every sparkling wine around the world so of course, I can only base my recommendations from my own tasting experience which now stands at over 10,000 labels reviewed. From wonderful vintage Champagnes to red sparkling wines produced by farmers on the hills in Slovenia, I have done my fair…

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Tasting Vintage Sparkling Wines From Around The World – 2014

By Oliver Walkey / 12th May 2020

With every great harvest, a vintage is sure to follow, welcome back to the second article of this new series exclusive to Glass of Bubbly, where will take you around the world tasting the vintages of different years. We started off this series with vintages from the year 2015 in Canada, Spain, Austria and Slovenia,…

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