Search Results: Slovenia

10 Champagnes & Sparkling Wines to put in your Christmas Trolley title image

10 Champagnes & Sparkling Wines to put in your Christmas Trolley

By Christopher Walkey / 8th December 2020

Christmas for many is that time of year to get together with friends and loved ones. It’s the Christmas works party to let your hair down at and get to know that one person you’ve had your eye on. It’s fabulous television shows such as the suspense of what Christmas Eve will bring on Coronation…

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Simonic Zlata Semiska Penina Gold Flakes

What Does a Sparkling Wine with 24 Carat Gold Flakes Taste Like?

By Christopher Walkey / 7th December 2020

I remember first seeing a sparkling wine with gold flakes within it and it really caught my eye and myself, along with many others, were buzzing around the said stand (at a wine tasting event in London) awaiting to taste and explore. I forget which sparkling wine it was, but since then I have tasted…

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Sekt in the City Cocktail James Elliott

Let’s Explore Sparkling Rosé Wines from Europe

By Christopher Walkey / 4th December 2020

Europe holds a goldmine of wine production annually with 10,000’s of wineries and even more in styles to enjoy. Referred to usually as ‘old world wine‘, European countries sit in the northern hemisphere and many will have their own styles of wines produced from Portugal to Georgia. Names such as Barolo, Champagne, Franciacorta, Bordeaux, Cava,…

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Karlovcek – Jernejeva Penina Rose

Can a Wine Change Character in your Glass?

By Christopher Walkey / 17th November 2020

Now, this is such a very big topic and open to many discussions and points of view. So for this article I am going to write from my personal point of view having tasted many thousands of wines and experiencing wines that have given me a host of difference experiences. I have tasted wines that…

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International Wine Professionals announce the 2020 Glass of Bubbly Trophies

By Christopher Walkey / 30th October 2020

As we approach November we are still very much reminded what a difficult year it has been already in 2020 and for many those dark clouds still very much are hanging over us. The wine sector along with the hospitality sector and many business sectors connected have been hit not only with natural disasters from…

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Glass of Bubbly Awards 2020 Results

By Glass of Bubbly / 29th October 2020

The results are in from The World’s Finest Glass of Bubbly Awards 2020. We would like to thank every wine label that submitted their wines to be judged over two days the Champagne Route Bar in London. Each wine went through a detailed tasting to not only score it points for a medal, but also…

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Glass of Bubbly Awards 2020 Results

By Glass of Bubbly / 29th October 2020

The results are in from The World’s Finest Glass of Bubbly Awards 2020. We would like to thank every wine label that submitted their wines to be judged over two days the Champagne Route Bar in London. Each wine went through a detailed tasting to not only score it points for a medal, but also…

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7 Nights of Horror – Night 5 – Halloween

By Oliver Walkey / 28th October 2020

Welcome to this new spooky series, where we choose a film and create a fitting Cocktail to go alongside, I’ll give you a little history into each film and the know-how to create a delicious Cocktail. Halloween When you think of Halloween, the film, not the day, you picture a man in a mask, a…

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Apple Day Cocktail

By Oliver Walkey / 14th October 2020

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away is the famous saying we’ve probably all heard, but how many of you know about Apple Day? If you’ve never been a fan of apples, then this article might not be for you, depending on if adding one to a Cocktail would change your mind or not.…

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