Search Results: cava

Hot Cross Bun Easter Cocktail

By Oliver Walkey / 2nd April 2021

Hot Cross Buns, a delicious baked treat most commonly enjoyed around Easter along with the chocolate bunny and chocolate egg, this year Easter Sunday is on the 4th of April 2021. According to Wikipedia the first definite record of the Hot Cross Bun came about in 1733 from a London street cry: “Good Friday comes…

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Peach Fizz Cocktail

By Oliver Walkey / 4th March 2021

The Prunus persica, otherwise and more commonly known as ‘the peach’ is a native fruit from Northwest China where it was first domesticated and cultivated. What Do You Know About The Peach? A Peachtree has a life cycle of 15 years, it starts growing fruit in the third year, but only a small amount. 978,260…

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Alternatives to Champagne

Alternatives to Champagne

By Christopher Walkey / 19th January 2021

Let me first say that I am not hoping to tempt anyone away from Champagne and neither will I say that there is anything that compares exactly to it, but nonetheless, I hear many people interested to know more about the options outside of this famous fizzy wine from France. Champagne is unique, it is…

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Fish and Chips with English Sparkling Wine

English Sparkling Wine with Fish & Chips

By Christopher Walkey / 8th January 2021

When it comes to traditional English cuisine then fish and chips remains in amongst the top option for being not only one of the most popular dishes still today to also what many people globally would associate with the English. Not haute cuisine and neither what many would say is healthy eating, to be honest…

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Sekt in the City Cocktail James Elliott

Let’s Explore Sparkling Rosé Wines from Europe

By Christopher Walkey / 4th December 2020

Europe holds a goldmine of wine production annually with 10,000’s of wineries and even more in styles to enjoy. Referred to usually as ‘old world wine‘, European countries sit in the northern hemisphere and many will have their own styles of wines produced from Portugal to Georgia. Names such as Barolo, Champagne, Franciacorta, Bordeaux, Cava,…

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10 Champagne questions for 2020

10 Frequently Asked Questions about Champagne

By Christopher Walkey / 6th November 2020

Did you know that approximately 300 million bottles of Champagne are sold each year with a sales value of around 5 billion euros. For sure the Champagne industry is a big one and it is a known wine to many households across the world. From iconic movies and celebrities to celebrations at sporting events, Champagne…

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Sparkling Orange Wine Chile

Sparkling Wine made from Fukumoto Oranges

By Christopher Walkey / 2nd November 2020

Wines are made from grapes right? Most of us will consider this the basic fact when it comes to wine making and wine drinking, the main ingredient is one or more of many hundreds of varieties of grapes produced around the world. “There are many thousands of grape varieties out there though those which are…

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Glass of Bubbly Awards 2020 Results

By Glass of Bubbly / 29th October 2020

The results are in from The World’s Finest Glass of Bubbly Awards 2020. We would like to thank every wine label that submitted their wines to be judged over two days the Champagne Route Bar in London. Each wine went through a detailed tasting to not only score it points for a medal, but also…

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Glass of Bubbly Awards 2020 Results

By Glass of Bubbly / 29th October 2020

The results are in from The World’s Finest Glass of Bubbly Awards 2020. We would like to thank every wine label that submitted their wines to be judged over two days the Champagne Route Bar in London. Each wine went through a detailed tasting to not only score it points for a medal, but also…

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