Search Results: champagne

Label or Content? How do you Judge your Bubbly?… Honestly?

By Glass of Bubbly / 22nd March 2017

I love blind tastings. I love them because they are so honest. There is just the wine and your taste buds, nothing else to lean back on. Maybe I like this form of tasting because I’ve never felt the pressure to ‘like the right stuff’, so I can really relax and be honest, but the…

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Bollinger & Japanese Cuisine

By Glass of Bubbly / 21st March 2017

It is a gorgeous, cool evening in Abu Dhabi. Spring is upon us. Anyone who has been here or to Dubai will know what a premium a temperate evening is., especially as we await the onslaught of Summer. KOI, the restaurant, lounge and bar that celebrates the elevation of Japanese cuisine to a different level…

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A New Dawn For The Aube

By Glass of Bubbly / 21st March 2017

The word ‘aube’ in French means ‘dawn’ in English and it’s also the name of the southernmost region of the Champagne region. So far, so straightforward, but this area of Champagne is also referred to as La Côte des Bar. You may not have heard either name and it’s true that the region is much…

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Fish, Chips and Fizz?

By Glass of Bubbly / 17th March 2017

Has there been a shift in the perceptions of sparkling wine? Picture the scene. It’s 1920, the elite of society have grabbed life by both hands after the war, enjoying revelry and freedom which was quite new for those who had grown up in the Victorian age. Ladies with their cigarette holders and loose yet…

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Bubble Reputations

By Bernard Barbuk / 17th March 2017

Sparkling cocktails are Fun. But that doesn’t mean they’re trivial. The difference between a sparkling cocktail and a Champagne Cocktail is that in sparklers the bubbly is an addition to the drink not its base. It doesn’t have to taste of it. If you think that means the bubbly is there just to turn a…

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Creamy, Crispy & Bubbly

By Glass of Bubbly / 16th March 2017

Sparkling wine or Champagne paired with cheese might not sound natural. You might think, cheese goes best with red wine. If I tell you that sparkling wine or Champagne can be a very good companion with cheese, would you believe me? You should because it’s true! During my time at work and home, I have…

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MP Calls for English Wine to be served in British Embassies

By Glass of Bubbly / 16th March 2017

A proposed law to force British embassies around the world to buy and serve English and Welsh wines instead of Champagne, Prosecco and Cava is being introduced in the UK Parliament. Ms Ghani said “lack of consistency” meant the Diplomatic Service was missing opportunities to promote British produce abroad to nations such as India, China…

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Les 110 de Taillevent London – A Treasure Chest of Wines to Explore & more

By Christopher Walkey / 15th March 2017

Today, London is one of the intriguing gourmet capitals of the world with a fast growing and complex network of locations for fine dining and enjoying impressive wine lists. At Glass of Bubbly we are privileged to attend many restaurants and Champagne bars reviewing and tasting comprehensive wine lists and experiencing fine foods not forgetting of…

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American Sparkling Wines

By Glass of Bubbly / 15th March 2017

…Some Have French Champagne Makers Saying “C’est Bon!” In my early twenties, growing up in America, I always heard that French Champagnes, Dom Pérignon, Cristal, Veuve Clicquot, Taittinger, etc…, were the only type of sparkling wine you needed to drink. They were considered the best tasting and utilized the best grapes and proper production methods.…

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