Search Results: champagne

What are the different types of Prosecco

5 Ways to Spot a Great Prosecco

By Glass of Bubbly / 8th February 2017

With this Italian bubbly becoming all the rage, why not step up your game and see if you can spot some higher-end Prosecco? 1. Says Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG A large area of north-eastern Italy produces Prosecco, but 2 small villages are designated with the best quality: Conegliano and Valdobbiadene. If it says ‘Prosecco DOC’ it…

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5 U.S. Sparkling Wines for Valentine’s Day

By Glass of Bubbly / 7th February 2017

Valentine’s Day. It’s a day for flowers, chocolate and celebrations. A long-standing holiday used to symbolize love or the lack there of. It is a way to make single people feel bad for being single and men feel the need to live up to some overhyped made-up holiday. I’ll get off my soapbox. If the thought…

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English Sparkling Wine Overtakes Cava on Wine Menus

By Glass of Bubbly / 6th February 2017

According to Jascots, bubbly produced in England has overtaken Spanish Cava in many bars and venues. English sparkling wine is now the 3rd most listed sparkling wine on the menu, after Champagne and Italian bubbly (mostly Prosecco). Jascots recently reported a 24% sales rise in sparkling wine, wth English wines rising by 41%. The research…

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Packing the Essentials for that Wine Industry Tour

By Glass of Bubbly Content / 3rd February 2017

Thirteen times last year I had the task of packing for a wine tasting press tour so I certainly found the right balance of what to take and what not to. One thing that also entered my mind was am I packing enough jumpers and other woollies that I could wrap up those bottles of…

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Sushi and Sparkling Wines

By Christopher Walkey / 3rd February 2017

Many readers will be just like me and can never say no to sushi! The beauty of sushi is that it caters for many people’s dietary requirements and there really is a limitless recipe list on how to enjoy this popular Japanese cuisine. We were invited by YouMeSushi to taste a selection of the sushi…

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The Finest Glass of Bubbly Awards 2017

By Christopher Walkey / 2nd February 2017

‘The World’s Finest Glass of Bubbly Awards’ Please read our full information booklet for the 2017 awards here [showhide type=”form” more_text=”To Enter the Awards simply Click Here and Fill out the Online Form” less_text=”Hide entry form”][contact-form-7 id=”33858″ title=”wine-submission”][/showhide] Price to enter per wine £100 + VAT   (dates for sending wines for judging TBC). Deadline for entry…

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Tips to Impress with a Sparkling Valentine’s Meal

By Glass of Bubbly / 2nd February 2017

There’s something very romantic about a home cooked meal, enjoyed over candlelight with a glass of bubbly. Whether or not cooking is your strong point, you can always win over your date with a good bottle of sparkling wine. Here are some tips on how to impress during your meal! Set the mood Prepare before…

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Prosecco Applies for UNESCO World Heritage Status

By Glass of Bubbly / 2nd February 2017

In 2015, the Champagne region was granted world heritage status by UNESCO, and now it seems Italy’s most popular sparkling wine region is seeking the same. Italy’s National Commission for UNESCO has supported the application for the Prosecco region, specifically the areas of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene, to become a heritage site. Italy has been planning…

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Campfire songs

Winter Warmer Sparklers

By Glass of Bubbly / 31st January 2017

We all need a bit of sparkle on these cold winter evenings. Nothing does it quite like drinking a glass of bubbly in front of a fire, while curled up under a blanket watching your favourite movie, perhaps even with a selection of cheese and crackers close to hand. So which ones should you stock…

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