Purple Clouds Cocktail

You may know of the famous song, ‘Purple Rain’ performed by the legendary Prince, in this feature, we’ll be making and drinking a cocktail on a slightly different purple scale, titled ‘Purple Clouds’ sweet, smooth and elegant, crafted with Welsh Vodka and Croatian Sparkling Wine. The Sparkling Wine – Didin San A Winery from the…

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Peanut Rum Cocktail

It’s time to get nutty and insert a little flavour of peanuts into our cocktail, combining rum, Croatian Sparkling Wine, sweet spices and peanuts, let’s craft the Peanut Rum Cocktail! The Sparkling Wine – Didin San A Winery from the wonderful Sparkling Wine producing country of Croatia, with a vast and delicious history, Croatian Sparkling…

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Traveling By Air – The Air Mail Cocktail

Stamped and cleared to travel, we’re going up in the sky to intercept a couple of ingredients, the Sparkling Wine from the country of Slovenia and a bottle of White Rum from the United States of America, the Air Mail Cocktail was likely originally crafted during the 1920s or 1930s during the American Prohibition in…

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The Oak Sundae Cocktail

We’ve all heard of the famous Ice Cream Sundae, the delicious ice cream dessert, but have you yet discovered The Oak Sundae, a combination of bubbly sparkling wine, aged rum and some smooth alcoholised coffee? The Oak Barrel is an important component in the world of alcohol, and when it comes to Traditional Method Sparkling…

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Bootleggers Cocktail

During the American prohibition, the manufacture, sale and transportation of intoxicating liquors were strictly prohibited, but when the government decided to restrict and remove such a sought-after and enjoyed part of life, the people rose up and operated under the cover of darkness. Bootleggers, or ‘Rum Runners’, sprung up across the country to fill speakeasies…

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Thorny Forest Cocktail

When strolling through the forest, if you’re not careful, you may end up being twisted around by the distant sounds of breaking twigs and howling winds, walking right into the fantasy forest of witches, elves, orcs and fairies, where what’s up is now down and what you think you see may never appear. This Cocktail…

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Sparkling Honey Margarita Cocktail

A new take on the Classic Margarita, adding some fizz and an array of luscious honey, changing the profile into a more delicate and elegant showcase, without compromising on what makes the Margarita so great in the first place. Grab your Tequila, lick some salt and suck on a lime, it’s time to get busy,…

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Princess And The Fairy – Cocktail

The fantasy of life and the fantasy of a dream collide in Glass of Bubbly’s original Princess And The Fairy Cocktail, created with a Slovenian Sparkling Wine and an Absinthe from England, delivering the wonderful green colour that tempts you in, however, it’s not what makes you fall in love. The Sparkling Wine – Sosolič…

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The Perfect Summer Cocktail

𝄞 What time is it? Summertime It’s our vacation What time is it? Party time That’s right, say it aloud What time is it? Time of our lives Anticipation What time is it? Summertime School’s out, scream and shout 𝄞 It’s summertime, the sun is shining, the colour of the sky matches that of the…

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