What Is The Raison D’être Of Champagne?

As a vinosopher my life is a true journey. Every experience pops up its own existential questions which challenge me to think about the mystery of life. One of those moments was the last 15th of the month, the day of each month my wife and I toast on our marriage with a sparkling glass…

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The War On Champagne

We all know that the word Champagne is very much protected by the C.I.V.C. or otherwise known as Le Comité Interprofessionnel du vin de Champagne. This organisation was created during World War II, on April 12th, 1941, during this time the Champagne Region was being taken advantage of by the invading forces from Germany, under…

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History of Formula 1 Champagne

Formula 1 is the most-watched and exciting auto racing competition on TV, showcasing legends of the sport throughout the years, including, Sir Jackie Stewart, Jim Clark, Niki Lauda, Michael Schumacher, Fernando Alonso and more recently Lewis Hamilton, Max Verstappen and Sabastian Vettel. The are many more names that will come to mind to any F1…

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What Happened To Champagne During World War 2

The date is September 1st, 1939 and the unthinkable happens, 21 years after The Great War (WWI), Germany has just invaded Poland, everyone knows what is about to happen, but despite what will become inevitable, England gives Germany a chance to withdraw from Poland. On September 3rd, 1939, 15 minutes after the deadline for Germany…

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Why Do We Drink Champagne on New Year’s Eve?

In amongst sing songs, party foods, Big Ben, fireworks and even bringing traditions such as salt, coal and bread through the front door we will undoubtedly see plenty of alcohol enjoyed by many when it comes to celebrating the New Year. One such drink that we can all associate with New Year celebrations is sparkling…

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