Champagne News

What Happened To Champagne During World War 2

The date is September 1st, 1939 and the unthinkable happens, 21 years after The Great War (WWI), Germany has just invaded Poland, everyone knows what is about to happen, but despite what will become inevitable, England gives Germany a chance to withdraw from Poland. On September 3rd, 1939, 15 minutes after the deadline for Germany…


Welcoming Spring with a Floral Rosé Champagne

..Tick-tock…tick-tock…time rolls on and a new season is coming up… there is a different scent in the air, one of flowers in full blossom: welcome back Spring! It’s time to celebrate the most colourful season of the year. This is the period during which Nature gives us its best in terms of scents, colours and…

the magic of vintage champagnes

The Magic of Vintage Champagnes

Vintages will mostly be agreed upon by all Champagne producers in that the harvest for the year was of exceptional standard and it goes down in history as a classic vintage. There have been quite a few of these over the years and each will be of high importance to Champagne drinkers and collectors, the…


Champagne Collecting

There’s one thing being a fan of Champagne and getting to enjoy tasting through many fine examples and embracing the tourism side of things by visits to the wine region itself, but what about the collecting side? Many of us I’m sure can admit to collecting something or other during our lifetime, be it those…


The History of the Champagne Coupe

Firstly, let us tackle the pronunciation of the word coupe as there are quite a few ways it gets announced and only one way can be the correct way! Coupe:  Coop Now we must not mix the word coupe with coupé which is a sporty car model (most coupé cars have two doors and four…


Diamonds Are Forever – Champagne Vincent d’Astrée

Unlike a diamond, when opening a bottle of Champagne, it won’t last forever, but the memory will. Let’s find out about one of the many amazing Champagne labels, this one draws the everlasting diamond of its label, Champagne Vincent d’Astrée. Champagne Vincent d’Astrée owes its creation in a big part to the 240 winegrowers who…

Alcohol Free Champagne

Can I Buy Alcohol Free Champagne?

If you go searching on the likes of Google (can I buy alcohol free Champagne) then you will confidently say that you can as a total of 135 million search results are delivered and many positively stating options for non-alcoholic Champagne. So yes, alcohol free Champagne does exist right? Though if we explore the results…

Which is Healthier Red Wine or Champagne

Which is Healthier: Red Wine or Champagne?

You would be forgiven in thinking that red wine is good for you, in moderation of course, compared to any other wine. Many studies and untold research show that red wine, especially for your heart, offers a body positive with countries like Italy and France mentioned for longevity of life thanks to a drop of…


Why Do We Drink Champagne on New Year’s Eve?

In amongst sing songs, party foods, Big Ben, fireworks and even bringing traditions such as salt, coal and bread through the front door we will undoubtedly see plenty of alcohol enjoyed by many when it comes to celebrating the New Year. One such drink that we can all associate with New Year celebrations is sparkling…