Champagne Pierre Moncuit

8th October 2014

Champagne Pierre Moncuit

Champagne Pierre Moncuit is located in Mesnil sur Oger, in the heart of the Côtes de Blancs, and is a family House and grower-handler, which has based its reputation for continued research of quality and respect of traditions.

The Vineyard covers approximately 20 hectares, with 15 hectares of Grand Cru. At each harvest, the focus is on seeking the best maturity of product and balance of grape volumes. A very rigorous selection of grapes is followed.

The winery is very new and modern enabling the optimum conditions for maturation and vinification, right from the harvest to bottling. Vintages are the result of a unique harvest, representative of the terroir. They are aged a minimum of 5 years for the most recent ones, up to 10 years for the oldest. Each Vintage asserts its own character and demonstrates its own unique qualities.

Since 1977, Nicole Moncuit, passionate about winemaking and the culture of the vineyard, has taken over the technical direction of the House. Her expertise enables her to develop the most typical aromas of the harvest each year. Yves Moncuit, her brother, handles the marketing in France and abroad.

Glass of Bubbly

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