Search Results: cava

The Ultimate Guide to Picking the Best Bottle of Sparkling Wine

By Glass of Bubbly Content / 19th November 2021

A majority of wine lovers do not pay much attention to sparkling wine until there is a special occasion and the questions start. Is there any variance in sparkling wine and champagne? How do I pick the best bottle of sparkling wine? How much should I spend? Is there any middle ground? The questions never…

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How to Spot Fake Champagne

How to Spot Fake / Counterfeit Champagne

By Christopher Walkey / 15th November 2021

As with most expensive and desirable items, there is always the potential that counterfeits are floating about. I am sure we have all seen for ourselves fake products be it those Gucci shoes at the local market or we have tried to watch a copied DVD and regretted that purchase. The problem lays both in…

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A brief history of English Sparkling Wine

A Brief History of English Sparkling Wine

By Christopher Walkey / 12th November 2021

English Sparkling Wine holds much of its history within the last 50 years whereas it’s close sparkling wine region neighbour, Champagne, can boost a history of centuries. Even though some would say that Fizz made in England is a modern phenomenon compared to other famous sparkling wine countries and regions, you could also say that…

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what is method cap classique

What is Methode Cap Classique?

By Christopher Walkey / 2nd November 2021

Did you know that some of the world’s finest sparkling wine is produced in South Africa? Alongside Champagne, South African bubbly is globally known and respected as a traditional method wine. South Africa, in 2020, was ranked as eighth in overall volume production of wine producing 4.0% of the world’s wine. So what exactly does…

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Glass of Bubbly Awards 2021 Results

By Glass of Bubbly / 25th October 2021

The results are in from The World’s Finest Glass of Bubbly Awards 2021. We would like to thank every wine label that submitted their wines to be judged over two days at the Champagne Route Bar in London. Each wine went through a detailed blind tasting to not only score it points for a medal,…

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Glass of Bubbly Awards 2021 Results

By Glass of Bubbly / 24th October 2021

The results are in from The World’s Finest Glass of Bubbly Awards 2021. We would like to thank every wine label that submitted their wines to be judged over two days at the Champagne Route Bar in London. Each wine went through a detailed blind tasting to not only score it points for a medal,…

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Safely Saber Champagne

How to Safely Saber a Bottle of Champagne

By Christopher Walkey / 20th October 2021

For those arriving at this article wishing to saber a bottle of Champagne safely then please do read on below. For those wanting to know what to saber means then let’s get this explained straightway: What does saber mean? To saber or the action of Sabrage is the process of opening a Champagne bottle with…

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Rosé de Saignée and Rosé Champagne difference

Rosé think Pink

By Glass of Bubbly Content / 7th October 2021

I have for a long time been a convert to all things pink maybe not expressed in terms of everyday clothing or accessories but certainly when it comes to a sparkling pink or rosé wine. From nude to hot pink I am pretty much a fan of nearly every quality sparkling rosé out there. The…

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Does Prosecco Taste Like Champagne?

By Oliver Walkey / 5th October 2021

Let’s talk about Prosecco, how it tastes, is it the cheaper Champagne option or is it an entirely different experience altogether? Although Prosecco and Champagne are both Sparkling Wines, they are both made using different methods and different grapes, which does create two different tasting experiences. The answer to Does Prosecco Taste Like Champagne is…

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