Search Results: champagne

Champagne and Sparkling Wine Books

Champagne / Sparkling Wine Books

By Christopher Walkey / 16th February 2022

There will not be many wine enthusiasts who will not at least own a wine book or two and in most cases a small library. I myself have around 40 books on wine from many different eras and by different authors, I often refer to them when seeking out some finer details on wine regions…

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The Difference Between Champagne and Sparkling Wine

By Glass of Bubbly Content / 15th February 2022

It’s your friend’s birthday, you got a great wine cooler sleeve and all you need to do now is put a bottle in. You check out the selection at the local store and you’re overwhelmed. Do you choose Champagne or sparkling wine? What is even the difference? To put it simply, Champagne is sparkling wine,…

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Champagne Collecting

By Christopher Walkey / 7th February 2022

There’s one thing being a fan of Champagne and getting to enjoy tasting through many fine examples and embracing the tourism side of things by visits to the wine region itself, but what about the collecting side? Many of us I’m sure can admit to collecting something or other during our lifetime, be it those…

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Vodka and Champagne Cocktail

By Oliver Walkey / 1st February 2022

Global demand for Vodka is projected to rise at a rate of 6.2% over the next six years, this is partly thanks to the rise in Vodka Cocktails and Premium Vodka’s, Dima’s believes that this will be the year of the Craft Vodka, let’s hope they’re correct. Vodka in Cocktails is mostly seen as an…

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Red Wine or Champagne with Steak

Steak Dinner: Red Wine or Champagne?

By Christopher Walkey / 28th January 2022

For a long time red wine has been associated with red meats when it comes to enjoying them together. This could mean red wine in the sauce or simply pouring yourself a glass of whilst you eat red meats. White wine would be seen to favour white meats and fish, likewise both in sauces or…

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Champagne and Cheesecake

By Oliver Walkey / 27th January 2022

You’ve just enjoyed a lovely meal at your favourite restaurant, but you feel like to could eat a little bit more, but before you could even think about it, the waiter brings out a gorgeous Raspberry and White Chocolate Cheesecake for you to enjoy. Now imagine that you don’t need to go out to enjoy…

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The History of the Champagne Coupe

By Glass of Bubbly / 26th January 2022

Firstly, let us tackle the pronunciation of the word coupe as there are quite a few ways it gets announced and only one way can be the correct way! Coupe:  Coop Now we must not mix the word coupe with coupé which is a sporty car model (most coupé cars have two doors and four…

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VinoVirtual: February 7-9 2022 Champagne & Sparkling

By Glass of Bubbly Content / 25th January 2022

2022 is turning out to be more digital than expected… Online Fairs for Wine & Sprit Professionals In recent days Public Health uncertainty threatens live, in person events such as wine fairs planned for 2022. According to the Gartner report “ 80% of client/provider contact will be digital through 2025.” More than just an additional…

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Ratafia and Champagne Cocktails

By Oliver Walkey / 19th January 2022

Creating Cocktails can be really enjoyable, getting to put your ideas inside the glass, creating flavours you can’t always find on the shelf. When creating Cocktails for Glass of Bubbly, it’s normally with a Sparkling Wine and a Spirit of some kind, like Rum or Gin, rarely do I get to create a Cocktail which…

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