Consultant Viticulturist – Cameron Roucher

3rd February 2025

Consultant Viticulturist Cameron Roucher

Without the grape, wine can’t be created, so each year an army of people in the Vineyards across England, taking care of the vines to harvesting the grapes, help the winemakers produce an exceptional glass of bubbly.

In this article we speak with Cameron Roucher, a Consultant Viticulturist from England, let’s discover a little about his time in the English Sparkling Wine Industry.

It’s Great To Speak With You Cameron, Tell Us About Yourself

“In 2011 I moved here to the UK with my family from New Zealand to establish the vineyard. Having grown up on a farm I always knew I would end up working in a role where I grew something, all I knew was I didn’t want anything to do with sheep. It’s funny how the world moves as we’re now introducing sheep into the vineyard as part of our regenerative plan.”

How Did You Become Involved In The Wine Industry?

“After leaving school I went into a winemaking and grape growing course while working in a local winery, when the course finished I started full-time work at another local vineyard immediately after completing the course. I have only ever worked in the wine industry but have had quite a varied career from starting out in the Cellar to Nurseries to various Vineyard roles and eventually winding up here. Having such a broad background has given me a real insight into all facets of the industry, from micro size to enormous vineyards and wineries.”

When You Were A Vineyard Manager At Rathfinny Wine Estate, What Challenges Did You Find Yourself Facing Each Year?

“It has to be the weather, particularly here in the UK being in a marginal climate it’s always going to play a part. We’re lucky in that we aren’t as affected by frosts as many producers are due to our proximity to the sea. What this does bring with it is a lot of wind, which also has its challenges but the benefits outweigh the negatives for sure.”

What Is The Most Exciting Part Of Managing A Vineyard?

“It has to be harvest, it’s the culmination of the season’s work. Always busy, and lots going on. However, my favourite part would be pruning. It’s the most important job in the vineyard and can make or break a season or the health of the vines. It’s where we really set up the vineyard for the coming year and you can see yourself making progress no matter what part of the pruning process you are doing.”

How Do You See the Future Of English Sparkling Wine?

“I think the future is very promising for the UK industry. The quality is already world class and it will get more competitive with more brands entering the market and vineyards being planted every year. I don’t think we’ll ever see over saturation and I’m sure we’ll soon see some serious overseas investment here.”

What’s A Day In The Life Of A Vineyard Manager Entail?

“No two days are the same, it varies so much day to day, month to month, season to season. It’s part of the beauty of the job.”

Where’s The Most Memorable Place You’ve Enjoyed A Glass of Bubbly?

“On the terrace here at the Tasting Room at Rathfinny, on a summer’s day, you can’t beat it for the view.”

Thank you, Cameron, for sharing your words, knowledge and experience with us and we at Glass of Bubbly wish you the very best for the future!

Oliver Walkey

Champagne and Sparkling Wine Writer, Focused on Bringing the Exciting and Fascinating World of Bubbly to You.